Page 21 of Vow of Silence
I clenched my jaw. “What is so special about him?”
“More than likely, I’ll have to fly to Slovakia and take care of that bitch before Arkan moves her. He won’t kill her yet, but she might go underground. I can’t afford to lose her.”
“How are you going to get there when your father has the entire state locked down. You won’t be able to leave the country.”
“I have a plan. Lay low and stay with friends. Don’t do anything you normally do. Trust no one and wait for my call.”
Her adoration for this man was killing me. She was facing certain death, yet she was worried for him. She had a plan but it didn’t include him risking his life. He was her greatest weakness.
What kind of man warranted such unwavering trust and love?
The words in the application ceased, and the program flashed showing that she hung up the line. I nodded to Elijah and walked down the hall to the secret exit. Bending, I pressed the hidden spot along the wall and waited for the mechanism to emerge. Once the metal retinal scanner slid forth, I bent and allowed it to scan my retina. As the tingling sensation at the back of my eye became cumbersome, I knew the biometric information had been received.
I stood as the wall retracted and I went inside.
It wasn’t long before I reached the hidden nook with security. Everything was clear according to the footage. I couldn’t resist turning the camera forty degrees and watching her search the room. Her expression was emotionless yet her movements were swift and precise. She was preparing to run. She was hoping to find a gun, but she’d be disappointed.
Smiling, I ran through the hidden passages to reach the pothole on the street adjacent to the house.
After physically checking the perimeter, I ran to my bike. It wouldn’t be long before she found the truck’s keys and ran.
In less than fifteen minutes, she came running out of the house. She jumped into the truck and reversed it out of the driveway. Anya peeled around the corner. Frowning, I waited to see if Elijah was on her heels but he hadn’t left the house. After I connected my Bluetooth, I took off after her, while dialing him. The phone rang four times before he answered.
“Where the hell are you?”
Elijah grunted in pain. “The bitch stabbed me. I can’t believe you gave her one of your blades. She caught me off guard before I could disarm her. Are you following her?”
“Yes, she won’t get away. Do you need medical attention?”
“I’m losing a lot of blood but I can get myself patched up. Don’t let my injury be in vain. Get the evidence and take your knife back.”
Traffic had stopped at the light, and Anya was in the left lane. She wasn’t doing anything to draw attention to herself so far so I wouldn’t lose her. I’ve spotted four black Mercedes with tented windows following her too.
“We have company.”
“Don’t worry, I’m right behind her. I’ve got to go.”
The door opened and a tall man stepped inside. He was lanky with blond hair and green eyes, and he was beautiful. I didn't know him and his sudden appearance wasn’t welcomed. I moved back my right hand already clutching the large, serrated blade I had on me.Where is he and why is this man here? He is deaf. He might not know this man managed to sneak in here.
The man held up his hand. “There’s no reason to be afraid of me. The man who is nonspeaking is dead. Come with me, and I’ll show you the way out.”
Before he had taken two steps toward me, I lunged at him. At the last minute, I whipped the blade out slicing him across the stomach. As soon as he bent, I elbowed him on the head. He hit the floor, and I ran out of the bedroom. Sprinting down the hall, I jumped down the last section of stairs and ran into the garage. It was hard to believe that Cian had been killed when he had defeated over thirty men alone. He was deaf. It wouldn’t matter how skilled or experienced he was, he was still hearing impaired which put him at a disadvantage.
The garage was empty.
Instead of cars there were metal racks along the wall with guns with locks and some kind of biometric device attached to them. Either way, I wouldn’t have access to a gun or car. I ran back into the house heading for the front door. I heard cursing and stumbling upstairs, so I increased my speed. After I ran out of the door, I skidded to a halt as I saw an SUV parked in the driveway. Digging into my pocket, I took out the set of keys I found hidden in the house.
After deactivating the car alarm the lights flashed. I jumped inside and quickly reversed out of the driveway. I had a car, my phone and now my freedom. A twinge of guilt made me look back at the house. Cian had saved me the night before, and I had saved him so we were even. Yet, I felt guilty that I hadn’t tried to verify whether he was dead.
Damn, I could’ve called for help. How can I worry about saving him when I can’t save myself?
This was the only chance I had to survive; I was taking it. By now my father knew about the meeting with Samira, and the BIH might have already contacted the FBI. Either way, he would kill me for the betrayal unless I found a way to pen everything on her. Traffic stopped at the light, and I glanced out the rearview mirror. A car honked, and I quickly moved through the green light and onto the highway.