Page 26 of Vow of Silence
I placed her on the bike first and slid behind her. If we ran into any unexpected company, I wanted to be at her back so I could defend us while she drove. Motorcycles after all didn't offer much protection, but their speed and agility were a plus.
Anya pouted. “I only asked you to give me time. Are you forgetting I saved your life? Why can’t you trust me to give it to you after we return?”
“It's not that I don't trust you. They are coming for you. If your father found the evidence, it would prove your betrayal. He would kill you. Now that his trust in you has shattered, he's going to try to kill you anyway.”
“Cian you don’t know that.”
“He’s not a man that stakes his life on doubt. There will always be a lingering doubt in his mind. He will never trust you again. It might not be today or tomorrow, but soon your death would look like an accident.”
Anya snorted. “I know my father better than anyone.”
We sped off.
My hands were firmly wrapped around her waist. I loved how she easily commanded my motorcycle.
Was there anything this woman couldn’t do? What other talents does she possess?
Forty minutes later, we pulled up to a townhouse in a very prominent neighborhood.
Had she led us to Vadim’s house to check on her lover boy? If so, I would put a bullet to his head. I might not be able to contain my temper.
I narrowed my eyes. “Did you make a wrong turn?”
She smiled. “Don't ask. What we seek is in the attic. Stop frowning.”
“You put something that important in the attic?”
Her smile widened. “It's protected because this is my enemy’s house. The house of the person who wants me dead. It's the last place some one would think I’d stashed something.”
It’s official. Anya was weird.
“What if your enemy found it? Your plan was beyond reckless.” I followed her into the wooded lot the home sat on.
I made a mental note to find out who lived there. If this is her worst enemy, we couldn’t afford to assume they hadn’t found the hard drive or tampered with it.
“If that were the case, I would already be dead. No one knows it’s here. They don't live in this house yet. They bought it a year and a half ago. They’ll move here in three months.”
It would be impossible for anyone to see us even with the best security cameras. I was certain that she was familiar with the security surrounding this place. Before I could ask her anything, she jumped, grabbed a tree branch, and climbed up the tree like a monkey. She was quick, agile, and precise. I followed her until she got to the last tree branch, ran across it, bounced up, and summersaulted to the ledge.
My breath hitched as she caught the window seal and lifted herself into a headstand position. Using her feet to unlock it, she lifted the window. Within minutes she disappeared inside.
Without the acrobatics, I quickly followed her. After I slipped inside, I took out my gun. For all I knew, this might be a last-minute attempt to kill me. The bathroom was a half bath with a toilet and pedestal sink. Creeping out of the door, I walked down the dark hallway following her footprints. Anya appeared in the hallways and smiled.
“When I kill you, I want you to see it coming. Hurry, before we have company.” She disappeared around the corner.
Reaching toward her side, she pulled the stairs down then rushed up them. Within minutes we were in the hot tight space of the attic. It was larger than I expected. It was also empty, which was a good thing. However, if we had company there would be no place to take cover. She touched a spot on the wall, the wall retracted and a biometric scanner emerged. After completing a retinal scan, she grabbed the hard drive and the scanner retracted. Whoever installed the wall had done an amazing job. I was impressed. She wasn't as crazy as she sounded earlier. Although this place was risky, she had managed to do it in a way that was smart.
Anya was used to taking risks with life and death stakes. She handed me the hard drive. I noticed that there were other items in the safe.
“What are you going to do with the other things? You shouldn’t leave anything here. This place isn’t safe. Now that we’ve been here, it’s less safe.”
“It needs to stay here for a little bit longer. Don’t worry about it because it doesn’t concern you. I’ve fulfilled my end of the bargain so don’t get any ideas.”
That’s what you think. This level of risk is unacceptable.
I had a photographic memory and I would make sure that the evidence was moved tonight. She didn't need to know that. We left the same way we came. This time, I sat in front, as she climbed behind me. Her arms wrapped tightly around me.
“I’ll drive. Keep your eyes open for company.”