Page 6 of Vow of Silence
Wiping my tears, I shook my head. This won’t be the last time. When I kill him, we’ll descend to hell together.”
He shook me. “No. You can’t hurt yourself. Suicide isn’t something you can change your mind about, death is permanent.”
“Goodbye Vadim, I love you. Please don't come back here. Everything that we need to say has been said.”
He caught a tear between his index finger and thumb. “It's not goodbye, my love, it's a reunion. I’ll go with you. If you decide this life is too hard, then we'll journey into the next life together.”
I kicked my foot. “No. You have your whole life ahead of you. There’s no reason for you to hurt yourself. Your mother will jump in the dirt with you.”
“I have nothing if I don’t have you. When you're happy, I'm happy. If you hurt then I hurt. I will bear all of it for you. You’ll never suffer alone again.”
I closed my eyes. “Death is easy but living is hard. I’ll live for you.”
He squeezed my hand. “We will live for each other.”
“At least until my father marries me off to someone probably thirty years older than me with a gut and a heavy hand.”
“Even then Anya. I’ll wait for you. Just stay alive, it’s all I ask. It’s the ray of hope that will sustain me through the years until we can be together.”
Two weeks passed like a shooting star. Father sent me to our home in New Jersey. I recuperated with over two dozen men at my side to protect me. Boris came in and out but he refused to be away from Mila for any extended period. By the time I returned home, I had two colorful tattoos on my wrist hiding my scars. Mila didn’t know what happened, although she had heard the rumors. She wouldn’t believe that I tried to hurt myself.
Running up the stairs, I went inside the bedroom.
Mila was dressed in a hideous outfit and she had her face in a book.
“Why do you get to take off weeks from school but I can’t? I’m not even going to address the fact that dad said we had a death in the family but he made me go to school. What’s going on? Someone has been spreading rumors about you but Daniel took care of that.”
I shrugged. “I caught a bug when I went out of the country with dad. I’m better now, but I was extremely sick.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Why do you have tattoos on your wrist? He said he would never let you ink your body.”
“He feels guilty that it was his fault I was sick. You know if I want something bad enough, I’ll wear him down until I get it.”
* * *
Switzerland was beautiful. I doubted there were more beautiful places to die. Father insisted that I take a six-man team with me, and I couldn’t talk him out of it. In the end it didn’t matter whether Qemal died by my hand or someone else’s. The cabin was remote in that there was no one around for miles. I took out my gun and attached the silencer.
“I’m going through the back. Remember that bastard is mine. You’ll wait ten minutes then come in.”
After their nods, I snatched the explosive from Sergio’s hand and placed it on the side of the house. After the carnage, we would erase this place. There would be nothing to bury. The perverted pricks didn’t deserve a proper burial. After I arrived at the back door, I pulled down my mask.
It wasn’t long before I unlocked it and slipped inside.
The alarm system had been deactivated, so there was no way he knew I was there. Slipping the tool inside my pocket, I aimed my gun as I crept down the hall. Passing the kitchen, the aroma of lobster and steak lingered in the air. There were four doors, a master bedroom, office, work out room and guest room. After a quick search of the place, I was certain that he was alone here with his girlfriend. I slid back into the office. My hunch had been right, he had a laptop and a few thumb drives hidden in the wall. Without thinking, I placed the items in the black bag on my back.
I wasn’t fooled by father’s excuse to send all these men here. He wanted more intelligence. Too bad, I got it first. A fleeting glance at my watch showed that the men would be breaking down the door soon. Rushing to the master bedroom door, I kicked it in.
A baldheaded man jerked upright before Qemal. I Fired two shots in his head while keeping my gaze on Qemal, as he jumped from the bed. He rushed toward me, but I fired two shots into his kneecap.
He screamed. “Damn. Whatever he’s paying you, I’ll double it to call off the hit.”
Shaking my head, I stalked toward him.
“Who the fuck are you? You don’t want to do this. Do you know who I am?” asked Qemal.
Ignoring his questions, I ran to him and hit him with the gun. Before he could recover, I grabbed his dick.