Page 118 of Villain
“Coffee break?” he asks.
“Marry me.”
He laughs and slaps my knee. “You do look tired today. Let’s get you a caffeine hit.”
“So, where’s Casper today?” I ask, following him into the kitchen. I’ve made it the whole two hours without mentioning him at all, and now I’ve blown it. Reggie and I never have casual conversation about Casper, and he’s not stupid. If I’m not really careful, Reggie will suspect.
“Library, I think.”
“Excuse me?”
Reggie grins over his shoulder as he fills the kettle. “I couldn’t believe it, either.”
That will be for my benefit, then. He knew I was coming here, and he’s gone out to the most unlikely place, which means he still mad at me.
“I didn’t think he believed in libraries,” I say, leaning against the counter.
“Must be a girl there. He should be back soon, I think. Doesn’t usually take him long to pull.”
“Oh, great.” I try to sound sarcastic and must pull it off because he doesn’t do a double take. Casper might be with another woman right now. The thought ties my stomach in knots.
No, I don’t think he will be.
You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot.
“He won’t bother us, Ains, don’t worry.”
That’s not what I’m worried about.
I need to see him so we can get over this next little bump. We left things in a weird place. Not unusual for us, but everything is different now.
“Was he weird this morning?” I ask.
Reggie stirs the coffees and side-eyes me. I’ve said too much. “Why do you ask that?”
My stomach churns. “He was last night. I mean, beyond the usual. You didn’t notice?”
Shrugging, he hands me a mug and eyes me suspiciously. “I wouldn’t use the word weird, but he slammed a few doors first thing. Woke me up, the prick.”
That’s what I thought.
“I wonder what made him angry?” I say, unable to stop myself prying. I need to know if Reggie has any information—if Casper said anything. He wouldn’t mention me, obviously.
“Doesn’t take much these days,” Reggie replies.
It doesn’t take me much is more accurate. Freya is right, he’s only like this with me. I’ve never seen him so pissed off at anyone else.
As if he planned it perfectly, the front door opens.
Reggie looks over and raises a brow. “We’re in the kitchen!” he calls out.
Reggie’s going to be watching us closely now. I have to play this cool.
Casper walks in a second later and, acknowledging Reggie only, says, “That library is shit.”
My heart misses a beat. He looks perfect, no hint of the sleepless night on him. But he’s angry with a small scowl on his face, his jaw and shoulders tight.
“Coffee?” Reggie asks.