Page 135 of Villain
Not going to what? I can’t hear Imani properly. Hurt me, maybe. She would warn him against that, probably using words like death and castration.
“Does Ainsley want to fill you in onallof the details tonight?” he says, repeating Imani’s words and looking over at me with a devilish glint in his eyes.
I don’t want to shareallof the details at all.
I shake my head, already knowing where this is going.
“She wouldloveto discuss this with you tonight.”
Reaching out, I try to take the phone because I have other plans for tonight, but he blocks me with his arm, grinning like a fool.
Fuck, I really just want him to kiss me.
“Yes, she’s free, but make sure she’s in bed before midnight. I’ll be sneaking in just after.” He laughs. “Yes, it is hot. She’s hot.”
Oh my God. Heat explodes in my cheeks. I look to Reggie for help, but he’s not doing anything but chuckling and wiggling his eyebrows.
Absolute Judas.
“Casper, hang up,” I say, pressing my face into his shoulder. He’s signing me up for things that, okay I like, but I just want to roll around in his bed all night, not talking to my friends about how I want to be in his bed all night.
“Goodbye, Imani,” he says, putting the phone back on the table and pulling me onto his lap.
I try to protest, but this is my favourite place to be, so I lean into his chest. Who cares if anyone is watching.
“Why did you agree to that?” I ask, pouting.
He shrugs, smirking. And I get it, he can’t stop messing with me—not even if we’re together.
“You smell good,” he says.
“This is how it’s going to be, is it?” Reggie asks. “I’m a third wheel, and you two are disgustingly cute.”
“You could always leave,” Casper offers.
“Nice try but Ainsley and I are off to the castle in a minute.” He stretches, yawning. “I think I’m going to sleep for a week after this event.”
“I know the feeling,” I agree.
“You’re not sleeping ever,” Casper says, kissing my neck.
I squirm in his grip and push him away. Public place. Friend is also present. “Stop, or my next arrest will be for indecent exposure.”
“I can get you off that, sweetheart.”
“Have you heard anything about my parents yet?”
At the mention of them, his eyes go a little tight. “No. I’ve been calling daily. Your parents haven’t been back to your mum’s registered address.”
“They’re probably off robbing people and buying drugs. I’m so glad she ditched me with my aunt and uncle.”
“Dicks,” Reggie mutters.
“The cops will find them,” Casper assures me.
“Do you think the break-ins have been them all along?” I ask.