Page 143 of Villain
Wrapped up in him, the tension in my shoulders begins to evaporate. Since he came to my family home to get me, we’ve barely kept our hands off each other. It’s been total bliss. I eat, sleep, and drink all things Casper. We stay at mine or his but never apart. I see no reason to sleep alone for the rest of my life. Once we find a place, we’ll never have to again.
As his tongue grazes my mouth, a wave of calm takes over me, like some deep hocus pocus shit I don’t even believe in is telling me I’m fine. I sink against his chest and try to remember that we’re not alone. It’s ridiculously easy to get caught up in him since he makes the entire world disappear.
It’s dangerous, the power he has—the power I’ve allowed him. He could destroy me in a heartbeat. I have to trust that he won’t.
“Well, you make a good point,” I say when he finally lets me come up for air.
“I thought so. Want to go get dressed so you’re not rushing around when you do your fiftiethdoublecheck?”
Yeah, that’s a good idea. If I look the part, maybe anything minor that happens won’t seem like such a big deal. I can convince myself that I’m not a total rookie.
Bigmaybe, that one.
I turn around knowing he’ll follow me out of the kitchen. He’s not been more than a few steps away from me this entire time—something I’m enjoyingimmensely.
Exactly as I thought, Casper catches up with me and slings his arm over my shoulder.
It’s still hard to believe that only a few weeks ago we couldn’t be in the same room as each other without arguing. Once this party is over, we’re going to have a big conversation. I’m not moving in with him until he’s told me what the hell he was thinking having me arrested. He’s spent a lot of time worshiping my body as if he’s trying to make up for every horrible thing he’s said and done to me, but even he knows there’s only so long we can use sex as a distraction.
His hand dangles over my shoulder, and I thread my finders through his as we walk up the flight of stairs to our room.
“Will you tell me if Phil comes?” I ask him.
“Who the fuck is Phil, and do I need to be worried?”
“I’ve never seen him, so I can’t be sure. He might be an Adonis.”
Squeezing me, he says, “You’re not funny, sweetheart. Who’s Phil?”
“The guy who had a domestic at the last party.”
“Oh, him.” He laughs. “I’ll be sure to point him out if he’s coming.”
I don’t remember seeing a Phil or Phillip on the guest list, but at that time I’d just been arrested,and a stranger’s domestic wasn’t really on my mind.
The arrest is going to be one of those things I use in the future. ‘You don’t want us to get a puppy. Remember that time you had me arrested?’
I can’t wait.
Reggie walks towards us with a wide smile. “This is it, Ains. You ready?”
“Not at all. I actually feel like vomiting, but let’s do it. You look hot, by the way.”
I feel Casper’s scowl aimed by way, but I don’t care. Reggie’s wearing a tux that’sreallyworking for him.
“I knew you preferred me to him,” Reggie says.
The scowl turns Reggie’s way.
“Go check something, mate,” Casper says, tightening his grip on me.
I roll my eyes at his cute little jealous streak. “We’re going to get changed. Can you make sure the kitchen staff have everything they need? Casper’s just insulted them, so I’m keeping him out of there.”
Reggie snorts. “What a surprise. Okay, I’m on it.”
“Now’s the time to tell me that I’m your favourite,” Casper says once we split ways from Reggie.