Page 21 of Villain
“Yeah, but this isn’t the same thing as the robberies. We’re in a club. Imani and Marvin are somewhere. Maybe Reggie, too. I’m perfectly safe. Also, why do you care?”
“You don’t know who those people are, where they are, or what they’re capable of. Do you honestly think people like that stick to burglaries only? Crime escalates. That’s what happens, Ainsley. Drink. The. Fucking. Coke.”
I wonder why he thinks that it’s more than one person doing the robberies. The cops haven’t released any information about who could be behind them. In fact, they say ‘this person’ not ‘these people’.
“Why are you not drinking?”
The music is loud as hell, but I hear him perfectly. Every gravelly syllable. His voice is strained.
“Why do you think there’s more than one person breaking in?”
“A team would be easier, safer, and quicker. It makes sense.”
“You know a lot about this.”
“I study law. It comes up.Drink.”
“You’re so bossy. Hey, I think this is the most you’ve ever spoken to me. I mean without insulting me or generally being a massive dickhead.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Arguing doesn’t count. Before this, all we’ve done is argue. Well, you argue because you’re a bit of an arsehole. I’ve never wanted things to be like this. We live next door to each other, and our friends hate that we constantly bicker. If you’d just be nice, none of this would happen.”
“Is that right?”
“You think I’m an arsehole, dickhead,anda twat?”
Okay, he sounds super posh when he says twat.
“I do. Reggie and Marvin don’t think that, but they obviously don’t know you that well. The room is still spinning a bit. It’s kinda pretty.”
He says nothing about my insult.
“I don’t want to sober up. I like this buzz. It helps to be drunk when I’m around you.”
His jaw twitches. “Sober up and I’ll leave you alone.”
Maybe I was a bit mean there, but it’s not like he holds back when it comes to talking to me. In fact,hethrew the first insult.
We met during the first week of uni. It was all drinking and getting to know each other back then. I met Freya and Imani first, and we instantly hit it off. Casper was at a bar with a group of lads who were all loud and obnoxious. They were working their way around the women, sleeping with as many as they could.
Casper approached me after flirting withloadsof other women. He let his arrogance lead and thought I would be impressed like the rest of them. When I turned him down, he began his hate campaign.
I was probably the first and only woman who ever said no to him, and he couldn’t stand it.
I sip the Coke and wonder why the hell I’m listening to him. He’s bossy and moody. We don’t get on, but here I am, drinking something to sober me up because told me to.
What am I doing?
“You can go now. I’ll finish this,” I say.
“I’m fine.”
All right, then.