Page 30 of Villain
“If he hates people without money, why did he move in here? This street is for students who aren’t dropping hundreds on a night out. He could be anywhere.”
“I think Marvin made him because Imani wanted to live with us, and he wanted to be close to her.”
She nods. “He is totally crazy about her.”
“I love them. Reggie and Marvin are happy wherever they are. They’re more grounded with money, I think. Casper’s car is more expensive than my aunt and uncle’s house. I’m not kidding.”
“You don’t want to like him?”
I take a minute to process that. I’ve never tried to dislike someone. It happens based on what kind of person they are. When I first met Casper, I could tell that he was a cocky, womanising prick. I saw it.
“I don’t know if it’s that I want to hate him. We’re too different. At first, I thought we could be mates when we formed our group, but he made it clear very quickly that we never will be.”
“It’s a shame. We’ve all spent nearly three years together.”
“It’s going to be so weird not living with you and Imani anymore.”
She dips her head. “I’m scared about life post-uni.”
“It’s just a lot of change, isn’t it? I feel safe and comfortable here. There’s a lot of unknown factors ahead once we’re past graduation.”
“You’re going to be successful, Freya—I have no doubt about that—but I agree, I’m not sure I’m ready for what’s coming after graduation, either.”
I need to get a job as soon as I can. Better still, have one lined up so that I can start straight away. If not, I’ll have to move back home with my aunt and uncle. While I love them and I know they’d let me, I don’t want to go backwards.
We both jolt at once when a loud crash outside the back door echoes throughout the house.
“What the hell was that?” she asks, swinging around and facing the back door.
My mind goes straight to the burglaries that have been happening, but that’s stupid since we’re here at home and we have the lights on.
“It didn’t come from in here,” I say. “It’s in the garden. Probably an animal.”
I get up to look out of the kitchen window, but it’s far too dark to see. Our house backs onto a long field before the next row of houses, so I don’t think our neighbours would have seen anything, either. There are sometimes deer and hares out there that could’ve hopped the fence and caused the crash.
It could also be a person.
My pulse flutters wildly under my skin, wanting to see an animal so we don’t have to consider the alternative. “I can’t see anything.”
“What are you doing? Step back.” Freya says, leaping towards me the moment I go for the door.
“I’m checking what it was.”
“Are you crazy?”
“Ainsley, you can’t go out there.”
A loud banging at the front of the house makes us jump again.
My hand flies to my heart. “God. It’s just the door, Freya. I’ll get it,” I say. “You finish that wine because you’re mega paranoid.”
“Not wanting to be murdered doesn’t make me paranoid!” she calls after me.
“No, but thinking you’re about to be murdered because of a noise does!” I yell over my shoulder.