Page 6 of Villain
“Shut up. We’re leavingnow?”
He jingles his keys in my face and grins. “Grab a notebook and pen. I know you’re old school.”
I’ve never thought much about murder until now, but I guess I’m not that mad at him. I am grateful he’s asked me to take on this job together. It’s just going to be difficult.
You need a roof over your head and food in your belly.Repeat a zillion times and I’m sure I’ll make it through.
I can handle spending time with Casper. We’ll be with his parents, so maybe he won’t be such a dick… and this really willlook good on my CV.
“How long ago did you agree to this?” I ask.
“About a week ago.”
Of course.
“Thanks for telling me thirty minutes before we need to be there.”
Good move, to be fair. I’d have spent the week stressing over it.
I grab my bag that has a pen and notepad already in there, and slide on my shoes. My damn trainers are still wet.
“I didn’t want the bitching I knew was coming all week. This way, I only have to hear it for a short amount of time.”
I close the door behind us and lock up. “You look smug, Reggie, but what makes you think the bitching will stop after the meeting? Hey, wait, does Casper know about this?”
Reggie winces for the second time as he opens his car door.
Ugh, he does. Casper must have been laughing behind my back every time he saw me for the last week. Why wouldn’t he have used this against me already? He’s had many opportunities to gloat or psyche me out.
It doesn’t make sense that he’s remained silent.
“You two need to get over whatever shit you’ve got going on. You’re not always going to love who you live next door to.”
I slam Reggie’s car door a little harder than necessary. Before Casper started behaving like a prick towards me, I had no issue with him. I didn’t even think about him at all. He’s the one who started this vendetta, and I’m not going to take it lying down.
I don’t care who he is, where he comes from, how beautiful he is, or how much money is in his account. Fuck him.
He’s an irritation I can’t swipe from my life.
It won’t matter in four months’ time.
“What’s the brief?” I ask, not wanting to go into this meeting completely clueless if they have a theme in mind.
“I don’t know yet.”
“Ooh, how about a danger on the streets theme? We could hang mug shots of all the murderers and drug lords they’ve got off in court.”
Reggie chuckles under his breath. “Please don’t try to be funny when we’re there.”
“I can’t help it.”
“I’m seriously, Ainsley.”
“I can be professional, don’t worry.”
“I know you can. I’ve seen it. But this is different. You’ve never had a level head when it comes to Casper.”
This conversation is starting to make me uncomfortable because he’s speaking the truth.