Page 80 of Villain
“Hello, Ainsley.”
“What thefuckis wrong with you?” I snap.
Reggie usually leaves us to it, but today he’s followed me, probably worried that I’m going to do something stupid. “Whoa, calm down a second. What’s going on? What’s he done?”
“How could you?” I shout at Casper. “Arrested! You had mearrested! I’ve been at thepolice stationexplaining myself. There’s still ink stuck to my fingers. I can’t believe you would sink this low. What’s wrong with you?”
My eyes sting like I’ve used bleach for drops, and I swear to God, I will slap myself if I angry cry in front of him.
“Why, Casper?”
“What the fuck, man?” Reggie steps between Casper and me, his concern more for his friend because he can see how much I want to stab Casper in his dead heart. “You really had her arrested? What the hell would you do that for?”
Casper says nothing, but he’s not intimidated by Reggie calling him out. He does glare at Reggie’s hand on my arm, though.
Reggie turns to me. “What did he have you arrested for? Are you okay?”
Casper shrugs, also completely ignoring Reggie. “I asked you to wait for me and you chose not to listen.”
Anger bursts in my stomach. “I didn’t need to wait for you! I had an agreement with your mum. You know, the woman whoownsthat house. She left a key and told me where to get the list. You knew that. Why would you do this to me? Do you have any idea what I could lose if people find out I was arrested?”
Reggie is glaring at Casper, but Casper’s completely unaware of him. Can he even see his friend? He’s focused solely on me. That works because the only person I want to see and kill right now is this fucking arsehole.
“Why? I know we’re not exactly besties, but I never thought you’d do something like this! I could’ve had a criminal record for breaking and entering!”
“You’re back to being dramatic.”
“Am I? Am I being dramatic?” I shout. “I think I’ve earned the right to be sinceI was arrested!”
The words bring bile to the back of my throat. I never should have given him a chance. He was nice for a few days and that’s all he was able to cope with.
We’re back to evil Casper now, and he’s obviously trying to make up for the week he had to be nice.
I want to take that severely scratched frying pan on the hob and whack him over the head with it.
“God, I can’t believe I thought you could be a decent person. I’m such an idiot. Of course, you had me arrested when you didn’t get your own way. You rich, privileged prick!”
“Calm down. This isn’t about getting my way. You can’t just let yourself into someone’s house.”
“Hold on. She said your mum allowed her to,” Reggie says, folding his arms beneath his chest.
“Why are you here?” Casper snaps, finally acknowledging Reggie.
“Don’t talk like that to him. He’s only pointing out thefacts,” I argue.
Casper takes a deep breath that makes his chest expand almost twice the width. He’s struggling with two against one. The others usually stay out of our arguments because they’re normally about stupid things that don’t really matter.
This time, Casper has gone too far.
“Reggie, can you give us a minute?” I ask. Having an audience is only making Casper more agitated. Besides, I don’t need a witness.
“I’m supposed to have a PT at the gym before I go out, but are you sure, Ainsley?” Reggie asks. “I can stay if you need me to.”
“Oh, I’m deadly sure. I’m not the one who’s going to need help.”
He laughs. “Yeah, I can imagine.” Reggie turns to Casper, and as he walks out of the room, he says, “You were a dick for that. We’ll discuss it later.”
Casper and I make eye contact again—mine narrow.