Page 202 of Unlucky Like Us
“No thanks. I can’t stay long.” She leaves both guys behind and hands me the manila envelope. “I talked to our professor again, and he okayed you finishing out the course off-campus. You just have to peer-review our labs and email them back to him.”
I take the envelope, not understanding this act of kindness. Did I do something to deserve it? “You didn’t have to go through the trouble…”
“It’s nothing,” Harriet says, but it’s a better gift than she realizes. I won’t have to fumble my way through social interactions that Original Luna made, and possibly I can start fresh next semester on my own terms.
I can commit fully this time. Domorethan what I did before.
“It’s not nothing,” I say so quietly, unsure if she hears. Louder, I say, “Thank you.”
She nods once. Then on her way out, she passes between Ben and Xander and glances between them. “Bye, Cobalt boy. Bye, Paul Atreides.”
“See you around, Harriet,” Ben says.
Xander raises a hand in goodbye, and once she’s gone, he whirls to Ben. “Why’d you come over here?”
I’m the only one sitting in the swivel chairs. The USS Enterprise is experiencing rough turbulence.
Ben motions to me. “I didn’t think Luna remembered her. I was trying to help.”
Xander grimaces. “No, you didn’t think I could handle that situation.”
“You didn’t know her!”
“You didn’t either! Youliterallyjust met her.”
I spring up. “No fighting on my birthday. It’s a birthday law.” I spread out my arms, but they’re actually several feet away from me. They’re both stewing, and in one solid second, they split apart in opposite directions. Xander leaves for the bathroom, and Ben is headed for the exit.
I still have my arms spread.
That worked too well.
Back in my swivel chair, I stare at my sad plate of swirled frosting and mushy cake. The bowling alley darkens as galactic twinkle-lights explode over the ceiling. It’s cool, and this party is safer than venturing to a bar alone…but being around so much family makes me feel surrounded by all thetimeI’ve lost.
“This seat taken?” Donnelly asks, hands on the swivel chair beside me.
My breath catches, and I check the shoe closet. My therapist has vanished. Is he allowed to be in my presence? The question drifts, thoughts stolen at the sight of his black sparkly shirt and matching pants. His purple belt kinda resembles a nebula.
Something about the outfit puzzles me, a tickle against my brain.
I shake it off. “You don’t need to find Xander?” I ask since Donnelly is on-duty and wearing an earpiece and radio.
“Banks has eyes on him,” Donnelly says quietly, looking me over. “Can I sit?”
I nod, my stomach in knots. “What’d my therapist say?”
He plops down beside me, arm outstretched behind my chair. He slides the mushy cake closer to himself. “To be careful with you.” Using the fork, he molds the cake into a shape.
I sense there’s more. “That’s it?”
“Don’t think I’m supposed to tell you the rest.” He spins the cake to me. He formed a realistic looking alien head in two seconds. “Watcha think?”
“Needs antennas.”
He grins, then draws antennas in the green frosting with his finger. Afterwards, he swipes frosting down my nose, then my cheek.
I smile back. “The blood of my people.”
He licks the frosting off my face, cupping my jaw. “Tastes unearthly.” He places a kiss back on my cheek, and my whole body is singing.