Page 224 of Unlucky Like Us
Wait up for the boss man’s call. (He said he and Price came up with an agreement, deal, something. Just know it involves me.)
Notes:Flight to San Fran was long but got a good audiobook in (“Neuromancer”by William Gibson—Luna’s rec). Quinn + Frog bickered most of the way there. Learned she’s still hanging out with Scooter. WTF.
Good thing: passed my pysch eval. Knew I would. Didn’t take Farrow’s advice but a guy’s gotta do what he has to do. Heard all of SFO passed it but Thatcher. Happy for Froggy.
Sad thing: Xander was jittery the whole flight. Not flying jitters. My Elf is nervous about being *seen* at a big Con and not having his wingman Easton around. Pumped him up a bit. Xander’s dad & Lily are counting on me to keep their baby birds safe. Won’t let ‘em down.
Also! Luna looked like she wanted me to fuck her on the plane. No cap. Then she suggested we join the mile high club. (Been there. Wish I could be there *with her*.) I’m putting on a masterclass in restraint, if I do say so. Bc no, we did not fuck.
Meals:Hotel food ftw.
Water:H2O is for hoes. And I’m the biggest hoe here.
Question of the Day:Is Luna’s sex drive higher? (not complaining tho)Why does the Cobalts’ private jet smell like potato chips?
“This was such a fuckingbadidea,”Xander says anxiously in his hotel room. He’s half-dressed, sitting on the bed in acid-washed jeans and fighting with a long-sleevedBeneath a Strong Sentimentshirt I bought him. “Moffy couldn’t come because he could have a baby any second now. Easton is grounded for doing nothing. And Kinney is mad I’m here and she’s not.”
I’m leaning on the dresser, letting him vent. “No one has noticed you yet. Got through the hotel unseen.”
“Barely.” He yanks the shirt on, then shows me his phone.
I come closer and see a very blurry pic of Xander waiting for an elevator in the hotel lobby. He has on a hoodie and a baseball cap. Someone posted it to the WAC forum on Fanaticon.
“Doesn’t look like you,” I tell him. “You look like this guy I knew who held up the Quickie-Mart.”
Xanderalmostsmiles. Damn, almost got him. “Whoever’s on Fanaticon will know I’m here, Donnelly—and this is aFanaticonConvention.”
“You go on Fanaticon forums a lot?”
He shrugs. “More when I decided I’d go to the Con.”
Yeah, about that…“You don’t even like Bass,” I mention.
“Luna doesn’t know that anymore,” he says quietly and pulls socks on his feet, fighting with those too.
“You came here for her?” I’m guessing.
Xander ditches the socks and just shoves his feet in sneakers. “Not just for her.” He’s having trouble meeting my gaze.
I go still. “What do you mean?”
He runs his fingers through his shaggy haircut that has all the teenagers swooning. Letting out a couple anxious breaths, he says, “I’m here for you too. Okay, look, you’reattachedto me. Where I go, you go, and if I’m stuck anywhere where Luna isn’t—then you can’t spend time with her.”
I ruminate over this for a quick sec. “That’s sweet and all, man, but you shouldn’t be changing your life for me—”
“Shewantedto be with you, and I was a complete dick about it. Now that she can’t remember you, who knows what’ll happen in the long run, in the endgame. She could end up with another bodyguard like”—don’t say his name—“O’Malley.” He said it.
“Would she get with him though?” I ask, only partially considering ‘cause if I fully consider I might put a hole in the wall.
“Maybe.” He’s wide-eyed panicked at the idea, and I gotta say, I like this reality where Xander is now Team Donnelly and no longer hoping O’Malley is her OTP (one true pairing).
Xander’s been a Nervous Nancy about crowd control at the Con, and he’s only here to ensure I get some quality time with his sister. “You can back out of this, no worry,” I tell him. “Just hang in the hotel room.”
“Where will you be?”