Page 42 of Unlucky Like Us
I’m still uneasy.
“I’m doing this for my grandson and for Moffy and Farrow. I’m not doing this for you.”
It’s now that I relent. “Alright. Go ahead.”
“Great.” After a quiet moment, he groans like he’s fighting himself. He cracks his neck and grimaces. “I’m going to ask.”
“You don’t have to.” I try not to tense, knowing this has to be about sex. “You can let it go. Pretend you never heard it.”
He lets out a laugh. “God, I wish.If only.But my daughter unfortunately likes you.”
I smile. “Think she more-than-likes me.”
Lo glares, but coming back from seeing my dad, his glare is a welcomed sight. There is no bullshit beneath, and I’m not wondering if he’s lying to me. “We’re not friends,” he reminds me.
“I was just stating a fact, Xander’s dad.”
“Does Luna know?” His eyes ping to me, then back to the road. He’s still glaring.
“I’m pretty positive she knows she loves me.”
His eyes lacerate me.
I try not to laugh and piss him off more. “It was a joke.”
“Your jokes aren’t funny.”
I shrug. “Still plan on making them.” I’m not gushing about the details of my past, so if he wants answers, he’s going to have to ask me outright.
I’m hoping he just drops it.
His jaw clenches, his fists readjusting around the wheel. “The ‘shooting the load for money’ thing that your dad said—does Luna know aboutthat?”
My ribs contract around my lungs. I scratch the back of my head. “I haven’t told her outright, no. But it was a long time ago. I don’t do that anymore.”
“What exactly have you done? Were you alone or with someone who paid you?”
“With someone who paid.” I’m baking in this car seat. Put in the oven to roast. I’m not ashamed as much as I am nervous. “I don’t like thinking about it,” I say.
He contemplates this, and I’m surprised when he doesn’t pry harder. He flicks his blinker and turns down another street.
I run a hand across my head. “I’ve been tested, by the way.” My heart rate spikes. “No STDs. I’m negative.”
If looks could kill, Lo is definitely trying to murder me. “Is this your way of telling me you’re thinking of having sex with my daughter? Because A. Did not want to know that because now I want to throw you out of my car, and B. She should be the most chaste person in your fucking head. You’re supposed to bewaiting.And if it were up to me, you’d be waiting for eternity.”
I already fucked your daughter.
This fact, or secret, I’m sheltering is the least of my worries, and I’m not sinking into another worry today. I made it out of the lunch. I’m on the road to seeing Xander.
“Noted,” I say lightly.
Maybe too lightly. He shakes his head a few times. “You’re something else.”
“Something hot.” I put it out there.
He touches his chest. “Do I look like your girlfriend?”
“Nah, ‘cause I don’t have one.”