Page 9 of Unlucky Like Us
“You’re asking me?” Farrow adjusts his son on his hip.
“You do knowPaulthe best of everyone here.”
But I guess that’s probably true. Farrow knows Donnelly in ways that I might never learn or come to discover. That sucks—the idea that I can’t even voyage deeper into Donnelly’s mind, his heart. That the exploration has limitations and borders, and I’m standing at theNo Entrysign.
Farrow tips his head. “That’s definitely debatable.”
“Debatable, okay.” Dad nods a lot and paces a short distance back and forth. “You know what? I have aseriousproblem withyouright now and it’s not even funny.”
Oh no.
“Me?”Farrow says.
“Yeah,you,” my dad retorts. “I want to laugh. I would really goddamn love to, but this has to stop.” He raises his hands in a way like he’d love to strangle his son-in-law.
Farrow looks stumped. “I don’t follow, Lo.”
“You. Donnelly. Acting like you’re nothing more than two hallway acquaintances.” He stakes a glare on him. “Do you know how annoying that is? Do you know how different things would’ve been if you’d just been upfront with me?”
Visceral heat radiates off Farrow’s brown eyes. He could give Cyclops a good run. “I’vebeenupfront with you, Lo. I told you exactly the kind of person Donnelly is, and you still chose not to listen to me.”
“You never said you met him when he was seventeen.”
Farrow’s face screws up. “What difference would that’ve made?”
“Papa?” Ripley blubbers up at Farrow.
He takes a breath. “It’s okay, little man.” He kisses his son’s cheek. “Lily, do you mind…?”
After my mom ditches the broom and fills the dustpan, she gladly lifts her grandchild in her arms. She bops his nose, and Ripley lets out the cutest giggle. I’m a little jealous of the baby cuddles. I just hug my arms around my body.
Farrow faces my dad head-on. “And?”
“You were teenagers.”
“Okay, but what does that change? I told you that he has no bad bone in his body. I told you that he’d give you the last shirt he owns. Right off his back. Shit, I told you he’s beenkindtowards the women he’s been with, and he would let Luna rule his world if she wanted to. I told you he’dbe therefor her. I told you they’d be good together. So what the hell does us meeting as teenagers have to do withshit?”
“I wish I knew what he meant to you fromyouor evenhim.Not from Luna. Not from Moffy. Instead, you just kept telling me who he is.”
Farrow keeps shaking his head.
“You left out an important part.”
Farrow breathes angrier, shaking his head harder. “I didn’t.”
“You forgot to tell me he’s like your brother.”
It knocks Farrow one step backward. He rotates his head away from my dad.
“That’s the thing, Farrow. I had no goddamn idea the depth of how close you were to him. I didn’t know what hemeantto you.” My dad cringes into a wincing smile. “And that’s theotherthing, I should’ve known. It was right there in my face.” Guilt knits his brows. “He was your best man, but for some goddamn reason, I thought you were just college buddies. Crossed paths later and decided to become bodyguards around the same time. But you aren’t just college friends. Right?”
Farrow takes the longest second to recoup from this bombshell. I haven’t seen him this frazzled before. Not much ever seems to unsettle him.