Page 94 of Unlucky Like Us
I start, “If you have to miss it, I understa—”
“No, I’ll be there.”
“Even if you have to change diapers in the woods?”
“Oui,” Jane nods, “even then.”
It makes me feel good and bad. “We could always do it here. Just have a space-themed party in the kitchen.”
Jane looks crestfallen. “It shouldn’t be some ordinary, mundane party. It’s your21st. It’s going to be as spectacular as you are.”
I try to smile. With the ridicule online, I don’t feel all that spectacular these days, but I do my best to absorb Jane’s encouragements.
Sulli chimes in, “As long as you and Jane are down, I’m fucking down.” She rattles the BB8 toy. “Carpenter! Come here, right fucking now.” The cat has leapt onto the armrest of Jane’s rocking chair, but he springs off to stalk Sulli instead.
Jane wouldn’t want me to alter my birthday plans just for her, I know that.
“Okay, let’s do it,” I smile.
Sulli pumps her fists in the air. “Fuck yeah.”
Jane claps her hands, her bright smile making mine grow. “I’ll make a list of everything we need.”
“My mom probably has enough camping gear for half of us,” Sulli says, then glances to me. “Depending on how many people you invite.”
Jane is already busy typing notes in her phone.
Invites.“I want all of my roommates there,” I tell Sulli, “including Donnelly.” Neither of them look overly suspicious when I name him, and I don’t really feel like stirring drama tonight by sharing my feelings for Donnelly.
Maybe tomorrow.
“And I want to invite Tom, Eliot,” I continue. “…maybe Charlie? If he’ll come and if Farrow is okay with it.” They haven’t exactly mended things, I’ve heard, and if I need to choose between the two, I’d always pick Farrow.
“Charlie.” Sulli makes a soured face. “I can’t believe you likeCharliemore than Beckett. It’s like preferring raisins over chocolate chips.”
I don’t think I’m Beckett’s favorite person right now, but I don’t mention that. Especially since Beckett is usually nice to me, but besides Charlie helping me with my fics, he has an interesting viewpoint of people. I like talking to him about the world.
“Charlie is like a rogue space explorer,” I say. “The times where he’s not provoking Moffy, I think he’s kinda cool.”
“He’s a space dick,” Sulli says, then tells Jane, “no offense.”
“None taken,” Jane says breezily. “I’m not taking sides. I love my brothersequally, and they both can equally exude dickish behavior.”
Sulli tosses a catnip mouse. “Like just yesterday, Charlie said I’m too dumb to help solve the fucking assault on Beckett.”
Jane sighs, not at all shocked, “I apologize on his behalf.”
“It’s so shitty that everyone has to apologize onCharlie’sfucking behalf,” Sulli says. “That’s not okay.”
Jane sets down her phone and adjusts Maeve against her boob. “I take it Beckett apologized on his behalf.”
“He did. He always does.”
Jane frowns. “Is there anything left to solve with the assault? We know Donnelly’s family is behind it all.”
I’ve been quiet, just petting and brushing Ophelia’s fluffy white fur, but my stomach is in knots.
Sulli tucks her long legs to her chest. “The two guys who attacked Beckett’s bodyguard are walking free with a flimsy fucking restraining order. I just want to be sure my best friend doesn’t get jumped on his way to ballet rehearsal. So I suggested hanging around him more, to and from the theatre, which means my bodyguards would be around him too. Charlie hated the idea. But fuck what he thinks because Beckettlovedit.”