Page 6 of Wicked Attraction
Not that he could afford me anyway. “Sorry, hon, I still have another hour of work left before I’m free, and you’ll be in dreamland long before then.”
His shoulders fell in disappointment. “Another time, then? Maybe tomorrow,” he called out as his buddies dragged him to the car idling in the parking lot.
“Maybe,” I called back with a smile because guys like him were the best customers. They looked but didn’t touch without permission, they flirted and tipped big, and I was happy to tease in return and shove my tits at them so I could squeeze a few more bucks from them.
Then again, maybe I needed another man to fuck to erase Jasper from my mind, at least for a few hours. It was hopeless, though. I loved him the moment I set eyes on him. His physical features drew me in, but the more I got to know him, the harder I fell.
Gorgeous, rich, and callous. Yeah, he was just my type because I was fucked in the head.
And that was all right with me.
“Hey, Mo, ready to head out?” Hulu popped his head inside the dining room with a wide smile.
“In a minute,” I told him and counted out my tips for the night. I left ten percent for the kitchen staff because those boys deserved it, which also meant I never had to wait. “Okay. Ready.”
Hulu nodded and headed toward the front door to unlock it. His big body took up the whole doorway, and I had to shimmy between him and the metal frame just to get outside.
“Sorry,” he said, backing away as much as he could.
“Don’t be. Those giant muscles are real eye candy.”
“Yeah?” The surprise in his voice made me smile. For all his big-ass muscles and tough-guy persona, he was a big kid at heart.
“Yeah. You know you’re gorgeous, Hulu. That’s why you end most nights with panties in your pocket.” I laughed at the blush that was so red I could see it under the harsh lights of the parking lot.
He laughed and shook his head. “That’s only because they think I’m a stunt double for The Rock.”
“Hardly. It’s a reason for all those ladies to get close. Trust me.” The good guys never knew how appealing they were, and the bad ones thought they were God’s gift to womankind.
“If you say so.” Hulu helped me into the back of the car and jumped behind the wheel. “You don’t mind me driving you home?”
“Nah. I know Jasper’s been worried about all the employees since the shooting. My old driver was too new to earn his trust, and he kicked him to the curb.”
Hulu’s dark brows rose in shock. “You always have a driver? Lucky lady.”
I shrugged off his words. “I’ve been around for a while to earn these perks.” Of course, it didn’t hurt that I knew where a few bodies were buried, and I had a knack for pulling intel from my late-night clients. I was helpful to Sadie Ashby, and she compensated me well, but that was my business.
Our little secret.
Hulu nodded, understanding that I wouldn’t divulge those secrets. For a hot second, I wondered if it was some kind of test, and if so, was it initiated by Jasper?
“Here we are, Princess, a penthouse suite at Emerald Isle.”
“Thanks, Hulu.”
“My pleasure. Maybe one day you’ll tell me how I can earn one of those condos.”
I slid from the backseat and smiled up at him. “Maybe. Thanks for the lift.”
“Not so fast.” He grabbed my arm, and I froze, my fight-or-flight instinct kicking in immediately.
I turned with hell in my eyes and arched a brow. “Excuse me?”
“I gotta make sure you get inside safely. Boss’s orders.”
My shoulders relaxed. “Of course. Sorry.”
“Don’t be. A woman can’t be too careful. Ever.”