Page 70 of Wicked Attraction
Now I knew she was lying, and I stared up at her, still chewing my colcannon. “Is that why you’re here, hungry for another dick ride? I can go get him for you.”
“I know where to find him if and when I decide to have him again. Which I might.”
“If you’re not here for Jasper, why are you here?”
“For you, of course.” Agent Beck let out a laugh that was supposed to be light and carefree, but I heard the hitch in her voice, saw the signs of tension that aged her prematurely. “You know you can’t trust the Ashby family.”
“You don’t know shit. You think you know so much thanks to your government databases, but the truth is you don’t know anything. I guess you’re here talking to me because you don’t know shit.”
I didn’t trust cops, not as far as I could spit. They never showed up when they were needed, and if they did, they always took the side of the abuser—not the victim.
“What I do know is that you can’t trust this family. I know that eventually, you’ll outlive your usefulness and end up dead on the side of the road or buried somewhere in the desert. Your parents will never know. You won’t even get a proper burial.”
I laughed at her words that just proved she knew fuck all about nothing. I had no parents to give a fuck about me, and I didn’t give a shit about a burial, proper or improper.
“Good to know. Thanks for the advice.”
“Wow,” she sighed and shook her head. “It must be more than a crush.” Beck laughed. “That’s even more fucked up than I thought.”
I said nothing, just ate my food and chewed slowly as she tried to bait me. Her tactics were amateur hour, but since I was recording her, I let Agent Beck dig her own fucking grave.
“Let me guess, you can help me? Protect me from the big bad Ashby family?”
“I can.”
“You’re a fucking idiot if you believe that.”
“I can if you have any information I find useful.”
“Great offer,” I told her with a mouth full of steak. “At least it would be if you weren’t a fucking liar. And a fed.”
“Look at what they did to Bonnie. And she was one of them, married to an Ashby. You’re just an Ashby fuck toy. Disposable.”
“Did you solve Bonnie’s murder? I didn’t see it on the news. Weird.”
“Oh, come on, Maureen. We both know the Ashbys killed Bonnie.”
“I don’t know that, and if you had proof, you’d have someone in handcuffs. For real this time.”
The bitch had harassed and arrested Sadie just because she could, and that shit didn’t sit right with me.
“It’s only a matter of time, Maureen. Do you want to pay for their crimes? Because that’s what’s going to happen. They’ll throw you under the bus to save themselves.”
I laughed. “But I’m just a…what did you call me? A whore? What could I possibly know that would make me dangerous to them or helpful to you? I just lay on my back for those hard cocks.”
I shook my head at her desperation. “If you need to know how the Ashby cocks taste, I’m your girl. Want to know how they prefer to be fucked and who likes a finger up the ass? I can tell you that. I can even tell you what they fucking had for dinner. Otherwise, I’m just trying to eat before my shift starts, Agent.”
Beck stared at me, gears churning in her head while she tried to find which approach might get me to slip up and say something worthwhile. She hadn’t expected me to agree with her about being a whore, about being unimportant to the Ashby family.
“I can make your life very difficult, Maureen.”
“Yeah?” I finished my food and pushed the plate away, leaning into her space. “Considering you admitted to fucking someone you’re investigating, I doubt you’ll do much. Fuck Jasper all you want. That’s your career on the line, not mine. I don’t really give a fuck. He’s a hard cock to me. Nothing more. Nothing less. But if you come in here and harass me again, I’ll be the one calling your superiors.”
She laughed. “And who do you think they’ll believe, me or some prostitute?”
I smiled slowly and stood. “Try me and find out. What do I have to lose?”
I wanted to let her in on my little secret recording, but one thing Sadie had taught me early on was never show all your cards. Ever.