Page 92 of Wicked Attraction
Sadie shrugged off Kat’s words with a small smile. “It is my right, as the grandmother, to push my children to spend more time in the bedroom. Or the pool. Or the herb garden.”
And then there was my electronic bottle washer. It was such a stupid but practical and luxurious gift that I couldn’t resist.
Retail therapy was my best friend these days. At thirty-nine weeks pregnant and still growing, I didn’t get out much, so I bought things. All kinds of things.
Things like black and gold dinner plates and a brand new vacuum. Things for the baby like a miniature soccer kit with goalposts, for when he was older, and a Lamborghini bed for when he’s at that age where he loves all things cars.
I bought new jeans for Jasper because of the stress he’d been under, thanks to a new threat to the family, and constantly worrying about me had caused him to lose a few pounds. The new jeans cupped his ass magnificently.
“Okay, this is just disgusting,” Maisie said as she held up the parts of a breast pump. “Who did this?”
“It’s a breast pump.”
“Pump?” Maisie pouted. “I’m just going to squeeze.”
I stood to explain what the pump was used for and why it was necessary, but nothing came out. Not out of my mouth, anyway.
“Sorry to steal your thunder, Maze, but my water just broke.
Maisie froze. Kat froze. Vanessa froze. Sadie stood slowly and stepped down the small dais set up underneath the umbrella beside the hot tub.
“Another baby. I really do think the universe is rewarding me for good behavior.” Sadie looped her arm through mine and spun me back toward the door. “Let’s get you to the hospital.”
I shook my head, breathing slowly, in and out, to keep from panicking. “I’m suddenly not ready.”
“We’re never ready for this, honey. That’s why God made them so damn cute. Just keep breathing, and we’ll get you through this.”
My heart clenched at Sadie’s words, the affection she bestowed upon me as if I was truly a part of the family. I’d been worried about how Sadie would take the news about Jasper and me as a couple, but when we told her, she only smiled and told us both that she was glad we’d pulled our heads out of our asses.
I pulled myself up into the SUV and said, “I’m breathing. I’m breathing. Where’s Jasper?” He promised he would be at my side when the time came.
“That’s not breathing,” Sadie admonished with a smile as she slid behind the wheel and started the Range Rover. “The boys are at Kat’s, so he should be out any second now.”
A moment later, Jasper barreled out of Kat’s place and headed straight toward Hulu’s car to retrieve my pregnancy bag. It was a comical sight, Jasper carrying a colorful baby bag that held everything to get me through the next day or two.
“I’m driving,” he growled at Sadie.
“You’re sitting in the back and holding your woman’s hand. She needs support, and your hands are bigger than mine.”
“Then get Oliver over here. You can’t drive yet.”
“I can, and I will.”
With a sharp nod, he hopped in the back with me and wrapped an arm around me and started massaging my shoulder. “How are you feeling, babe?”
I smiled over my shoulder at Jasper, pretending not to see the fear swimming in his eyes. “I feel like your child is trying to kick his or her way out.”
He laughed, something he did more and more these days. I didn’t know if it was because he was just happier with me or if it was because I told him he was never sexier than when he laughed. Either way, the sight of his smile never failed to make my heart stutter. “That’s the Ashby way.”
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “And what of this baby’s Caffrey side?” My words came out short and choppy as a contraction tore through me.
“A double Irish child? Must be our punishment for being such hellions. We’re lucky he’s not shooting his way out.”
“Once you’re holding him in your arms, you’ll change your mind,” Sadie assured me as she pulled to a stop in front of the hospital.
“Don’t worry,” I said as the contraction eased, “I’m so ready to meet him.”
The next few hours were a blur, but the thing I’d remember for the rest of my life was Jasper clasping my hand in the delivery room, trying his best to be supportive by using a slew of comforting profanities.