Page 8 of Isla
I make a mental note to listen to their album. I’ve heard them before but I’ve never really dug into their sound. Their stuff is decent from the singles I’ve heard on the radio, but I want to know more.
Another voice sounds from up front, answering Bordeaux’s question. “Not really here to shop. I was hoping to talk to Isla.”
I freeze, bent over out of view from the front of the shop. The blood beneath my skin boils and I fan myself with my hands, moving them in a fast motion. I waft air to my face as fast as I can, feeling like I’m about to pass out. I know that voice. The happy-go-lucky tone that radiates throughout the entire shop.
That is the voice of my ex-fiancé—Manuel.
Fuck. No, no, no, absolutely hell to the no, no, no.
My head is now in my hands, and I’m still bent over in a frog-like position when I hear footsteps approaching. I quickly spring to my feet, not accounting for the shelf that I ducked under in the first place. My head slams into the wood and I fly backward with momentum, falling on my ass. I clench my eyes shut as my hand grasps at my head, trying to bring me some semblance of comfort.
“You’re standing right there, aren’t you?” I ask, not opening my eyes. Wanting to be anywhere but here.
He waits a beat and then answers me. “Hi, Isla.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuuuck. I inwardly groan, taking a deep breath.
I open my eyes to find not only Manuel’s dark gaze staring back at me but Bordeaux standing right next to him, his eyes piercing straight through me as well. Well, this is just fuckingsweet, isn’t it? Manuel crouches down to me, extending his arms to wrap me up and into him but I quickly flinch back. Bordeaux eyes us before walking back to the front of the shop, leaving us to talk.
“What are you doing here, Manny?” I ask, standing up as his nickname escapes my lips before I think better of it.Manny.The name I called him for years, the name I cried out in bed as he fucked me. The name I have been trying desperately to forget about and erase from the darkest depths of my mind.
The nickname isn’t associated withmyManny any longer; he isn’t mine. The nickname is associated with hurt and pain and his selfishness that cannot be undone.
I look him dead in the eyes, shaking off my earlier screw up. I’m not going to let him know he still affects me. I will be strong.
I eye him up and down, crossing my arms. Of course he looks better than when we broke up. More muscle, though he was decently fit before. Wedding diet? Who knows. I shouldn’t give a damn but part of me wishes he had gained twenty pounds and started balding or something.
“I came to tell you about the wedding.” He shifts on his feet as I burst out into spontaneous, psychotic sounding laughter. He’s truly a moron.
“A little too late for that, don’t you think? My parents got the invitation yesterday.” I gulp down the excess saliva pooling in my mouth, trying to force down the lump in my throat. I let my shock fall away as we stare at each other. I’m sure the hurt on my face is apparent to him. I know this, and I don’t try to cover it up. I want him to see it, to know what he’s done to me. I cross my arms over my chest and his eyes glance down at my tits. He’s not even subtle about it. I want to scream at him.Oh, you like these tits, huh? That’s too bad, loser. You’ll never see these bad boys again!
I’m losing it.
He clears his throat, refusing to look directly at me. “I want you to come, Isla. I really can’t imagine you not being at my wedding.” He pauses for just a beat. “And is that…Bordeaux Daniels?” He tries to inconspicuously nod in Bordeaux’s direction, looking starstruck.
I’m not sure why I expected anything more.
I’d nearly forgotten where we are, that we’re standing in my brand spanking new place of employment. I feel rage bubble up inside of me. “Number one, you probably can’t imagine me not being at your wedding because I’m the one you were supposed to be marrying, Manuel. So, yeah. No wonder you can’t picture me not being there.” I smirk my sassy, signature fuck you smirk. “Two, yeah, it’s Bordeaux Daniels,” I scoff, annoyed.
It’s been months since we’ve broken up but seeing him now, even after the time that’s passed, still hurts me in an indescribable way. I went from living with him and thinking he was my forever to never seeing or speaking to him. He started dating Emilia before my side of the bed was cold.
“Please say you’ll come. Look, I get it. But just...please. You’re my best friend and I—”
Your best friend that you haven’t talked to in months? The best friend that you cheated on?This man is out of his damn mind. Lord, please give me the patience to not slap this moron upside his ignorant head.
“Sugar!” Bordeaux’s sexy, deep voice calling me that name sends a shiver throughout my entire body.
I turn to him as he rushes toward me and slinks his arm around my neck. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to Manuel?” He looks from me, over to my ex, and reaches his hand out. “Sorry, when you came in I was just finishing a phone call. I’ve heard about you, man. I think congratulations are in order,” Bordeaux laughs. “Well, a congratulations and a thank you.”
Manuel looks as confused as I feel and Bordeaux is suddenly an entirely different person. He’s morphed into an actor in front of my eyes. A damn good actor.
“A thank you for…?” He drops Bordeaux’s hand after what I can feel was quite possibly one of the most tension-filled handshakes ever, both of their knuckles turning white in the process.
“For letting her go. I wouldn’t be with her today if things had worked out between you.” He looks down at me and kisses my forehead. “Isn’t that right, shug?” Bordeaux increases his grip on my waist and pulls me closer into him.
To say I’m surprised is an extreme understatement. For once, I’m at a complete and total loss for words. It’s like the entire alphabet has evaporated from my brain.What are words?I nod, attempting to stop my eyeballs from popping out of my head before I turn to Manuel from Bordeaux.
“Anyways, we’ll be there!” Bordeaux flashes a gorgeous, bright-white smile. I can’t help thinking it; his teeth are movie-star white and perfect and I hardly see him smile like he’s smiling right now. In fact, in the few times I’ve been around him, he’s never smiled like this. It’s normally that sideways smirk of his that I get. This is a huge, cheesy grin. “I’m her plus one, obviously.” Another husky laugh. What the hell, Bordeaux?