Page 1 of Lawless
I'm seatedlow in my car, watching the building closely. The last group of Daddies and Boys went in a while ago.
Part of me would love to get out of the vehicle and go inside with them. I would love to see up close and personal how all the different dynamics worked.
I'd been curious for a long time about what they did behind those walls. And sure, I could hack into the video security feeds I know Charlie had installed through NightShade. I could watch them play and be a part of it in my own way.
But even my voyeuristic tendencies have limits. Even I know that some things really shouldn't be done.
Instead, I wallow in my own feelings as memories flood my mind. Thoughts of the only person I've ever cared for came back in flashes, stealing my breath, and breaking my heart a little more with each image.
It's an unfortunate part of having a memory like mine. I can see it all crystal clear, as if it's happening in real time. As if no time has passed at all.
My cell chimed, drawing me from my darkening thoughts. I look down to see Tank's name flashing across the screen.
As the owner of NightShade Security, it's rare that he ever needs me. Not when he's got an entire team of men dedicated to bending to his will. Though ever since he teamed up with Club Deny to run their security, he's more spread than he was before.
Of course, that's how Tank likes it. The man doesn't have a monopoly, necessarily, but does love to have his finger in a bit of everything. I wouldn't be surprised if he bought a casino at some point soon. I think gambling is the only area he hasn't waded into.
I answered the phone gruffly. "This is Preacher."
"We found him."
The words were a slap in the face. I didn't have to ask him who he meant. There was only one project I'd ever asked Tank to complete for me. Only one favor I'd ever called in.
He sighed, as if the weight of what he was about to tell me was too much. I kept quiet. My patience would outlast his. We'd gone enough rounds in the past to know that which is why he doesn't make me wait too long before answering.
"He's here, Preacher."
"What do you mean he's here? How could we have missed him?"
I didn't have to be in his office to know Tank was likely pacing the floor. He was probably rubbing the bridge of his nose and regretting the day he agreed to look into this for me.
That's what happens when you trade in favors. Tank owed me several, though most were not worth much. I told him I'd wipe his slate clean and do a bit of free work for him if he did this one thing for more.
He couldn't resist odds that good.
This job was the only thing I wanted. The only thing I couldn't find the answer to on my own. My computer skills were good, but not as good as Memphis's. NightShade's I.T. boy genius could pull up information and hack into systems I didn't even know existed.
Speaking of which, Tank answered me with a frustration that matched my own. "We have no idea how long he's been here or how he got into the city. We've been watching every fucking plane and train through the city. Hell, there was even a watch for his plates. There's more to this, Preacher. There's stuff you need to know before you make a move to go to him."
Anger welled inside of me.
"Don't you dare try to keep him from me," I ground out.
"I wouldn't dare. That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm trying to explain to you is maybe the person you knew might not be the man you find now. Time has changed him. It's hardened him."
I heard his words.
I chose to ignore them.
It didn't matter how much time had passed. None of it would.