Page 14 of Lawless
My eyes were adjusted to the darkness, so I saw the men's faces clearly as they turned.They weren't afraid. Not yet anyway. I would have them shitting their pants before the night was over.
"None of your business. Not unless you want to be next," one of them directed my way.
I could see how they wouldn't know my actual size given the clothes I wore and the hunched way I stood. It was the greatest illusion I played on my prey. Lure them into thinking they're the predator, then snap, break their necks, and feast on the victory.
"If you think for a second I'd let either of you shrivel dicks have the glory of sinking into my ass, then you're delusional." I took another step closer, my hand reaching for the blade in my pocket. These idiots didn't seem like the type to have a gun on them, and even if they were, I was quick enough to dodge a shot.
"What the fuck?" The one who'd been quiet so far finally spoke. He was the one holding the young man down to the ground. I would take extra special care to maim his body when this was all done. Rapists didn't deserve the air they breathed. I would make it known in this city, just like I had others, that this behavior wasn't tolerated.
Idiot number one must have decided he'd had enough small talk. He lunged at me, his body clumsily toppling forward.
He didn't have time to dodge the blade as I flicked it open and shoved it in his gut. He groaned at the pain; his body overwhelmed. For good measure, I dragged the blade in and out before moving upward about an inch. It didn't look like much on the outside, but the space was big enough to help him bleed out quickly.
Once he was gushing a beautiful crimson river from his abdomen, I knocked him on the back of the head to render him immobile. Tossing him to the ground, I made my way towards the man and his prisoner.
"Seriously, man. What the fuck? If you want him, have him. I don't need no problems." The thug tried to throw the young man at me.
I caught him gently, then eased him to the ground opposite his dying attacker. "Stay here," I whispered. Once he gave me a wide-eyed nod, I took off for the other man.
He'd only made it about halfway down the alley, his dropped pants making him slow. I used that mistake and made it useful. Rushing forward, I slammed my booted foot into the back of his right knee.
"Fuck!" He shouted as he fell to the ground.
I remained right on top of him, my anger swelling as I remembered all the times I was forced to do things I didn't want to endure as I was made into a 'man' by the violence my father inflicted. For every scar I wore, the less and less I believed my father to be a good man.
And this asshole was no different. He forced himself on someone. Tried to take away his free will.
My knife still dripped with the blood of his friend as I placed it under his throat. I pulled his hair back with one hand, my hold tight.
"Do you know the story of The Monster?" I pressed.
He stuttered a bunch of sounds before giving a frenzied; "No. Who is that?"
I chuckled, my lips near his ear. "I'm so glad you asked. The Monster is the keeper of the dark. He's the man who keeps order and balance in the streets. He rights the wrongs of men and delivers justice with ease."
The sound of his heavy breathing filled the space around us. He knew what I was saying. I didn't have to elaborate for him.
I was The Monster.
I was the balance.
And I was ready to right his wrong.
With a steady hand, I drew the blade across his neck, bleeding him out and providing order. I turned to the boy after dropping the attacker’s body. He was still huddled in the corner, his eyes never leaving my frame.
"Do you have somewhere safe you can go?" I asked him.
He shook his head. "No home. Not safe."
I nodded, understanding his ordeal. "How old are you?"
"Sixteen," he replied, no hesitation in his delicate tone. He was small for his age, but I could tell that was probably due to a lack of means to feed himself.
"If you want to wait for me, I can take you somewhere safe when we're done. Or you can leave to go back to where you need to. I have to finish this first." I pointed behind me to the men. He stared at me curiously before nodding.
"I'll stay. Thank you for saving me, Mr. Monster."
It was only then that I smiled. I'm sure I looked much like my name with the blood all over me and the crazed look in my eye. None of that mattered so long as the boy was safe.