Page 18 of Lawless
The fucker thought he'd escaped me. He thought luck had been on his side.
I never let a target get away these days. Repeat offenders were the worst stains on society. Especially when people assumed they'd "learned their lesson" by either serving time or doing community service.
"You just had to like little girls. You had to go and punch me. This would have been so much easier if you'd have let me get it over with. But no... You had to drag it out. And now I'm going to drag you," I'd told him as I smacked his cheek.
Dales’ hands were tied with rope, the length of which was wrapped around a four-wheeler I'd purchased just yesterday. While a car would have been fun to do this with, I figured a little detour through the woods might be best to teach Dale here a lesson before he met his demise.
I fired up the ATV as Dale's cries echoed through the night. We were outside of the city limits, far enough away that no one would hear him. He could scream for hours and there'd still be no one to save him.
"Let's get it started!"
My hand turned the handle to push up forward. The ATV lurched forward before I balanced it out. I rode it with ease, taking it slow and steady at first as I enjoyed the breeze of the night. When I turned to look at Dale, he was thrashing about behind me.
I smiled at the sight. Poor idiot still had hope for freedom. It was time to show him how that was a fool's dream.
Revving the engine, I increased the speed as I curved around an empty parking lot. The border of it led straight into the woods, which was my next stop once I knew Dale's hope was absolutely dashed.
I did large figure eight movements and even tried a donut or two, though the latter was much too tricky while dragging a body. Eventually, I noticed Dale had mostly slowed his efforts of escape. His eyes still moved around wildly like he hoped he'd find someone to save him, but his body was that of someone who'd accepted his fate.
Good. Now for the next level of fun. The woods.
I took off for the tree line, knowing the change of scenery would throw him off. Not only would it batter his body, but it would also completely crush the last of his hope.
Dale would die. There was no reversing it. And as soon as he realized it, and I mean truly realized it, then I could end his suffering.
It was another half hour before the fight fully left him. Whether it was because he was unconscious or because he simply gave up, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that the end had come. With a quick cut, I left him tied to a tree to bleed out. If he managed to escape, he'd bleed out before he could get help. And if he didn't escape, the animals were sure to ravage his body.
I rode the four-wheeler back to the truck I'd used to drive it over with. Using the ramp, I loaded it up in the bed of the truck, then closed it tight.
I felt good about a job well done. Nothing was going to ruin my day after a start like that.
Murder before eight a.m.? Hell yes!
* * *
Ok,so I lied.
Somethingcouldruin my day.
When I got back to the house, I could immediately tell things were off. I couldn't pinpoint just what it was. I only knew that the energy was different.
Had someone been here? Was someone there now?
I cursed under my breath as I pulled the gun from my pants. Sweeping through the house proved to be fruitless. No one was there. It was quiet as could be outside of the snores coming from Ricardo's bedroom. The man slept like the fucking dead, a terrible habit for someone in our line of work.
I ignored the alarms blaring in my head as I went to shower. Whatever I'd felt must have been left over from dealing with Dale.
My shower was quick and efficient. I had an early meeting to get to, and it was best for me to be on time. They didn't often like me being late to our meetings.
Dressed in one of my nicer suits, I stepped out of my room ready to negotiate with my father's drug supplier. It wasn't my favorite type of meeting, but I did what needed to be done when it needed to be done. Besides, I was sure this was all part of some grand scheme of my father's. It was only a matter of time until he uncovered whatever it was.
Ricardo whistled as I stepped into the room. He'd woken up sometime between my shower and me getting dressed. "Looking good, boss. You got everything?"
"I do," I said as I patted my shoulder holster where my guns rested nicely. I also had two blades on me as well in case I needed them. You never knew in times like this.
At the meeting, we went over a bunch of boring business shit. I spoke with them about the profits they'd seen along with the estimates for the next quarter. If you didn't know we were talking about cocaine and prescription pill distribution, then you'd have no clue this wasn't your typical boardroom meeting.