Page 20 of Lawless
He nodded as he clicked a few buttons. "It does. Let me show you all the ways to navigate this then it's all yours to play with."
I watched closely to make sure I understood everything he did. Once I was sure I had it, I sent him to shower and sleep. I could tell from the yawning he did on our walk that his lack of sleep was catching up with him. He would need to recharge while I pored over film from the last twelve hours or so.
The footage was mostly boring information. Things I don't care to know about my father's inner workings. But then earlier today, there were moments where I gained intel I might not have otherwise had.
My father was fighting a battle with someone over territory. He didn't say who, though I kept watching for more information.
There was also the issue of him being a manwhore still. He had multiple women flit through the office to service him during the day. I ignored all of those as best I could while cataloguing which women they were. If they were close enough for him to repeatedly fuck, then they might know things others don't. Men sometimes had a way of forgetting themselves when sex was involved. I hoped my father had let his guard down enough to spill details I could use for my benefit.
I was in the middle of listening to another call when I felt it. That familiar feeling of eyes on me. Except this time, it felt like more. It felt like someone was there.
Turning in my chair, I came face to face with the one person I hadn't expected to find. Instead of telling him how much I'd missed him, I said the only thing my mind could come up with.
"You're not supposed to be here."
He smirked as he closed in on me. I was too caught up in seeing him again that I didn't stop to question his approach. Not until I felt the prick of a needle in my neck.
"Don't worry. Daddy's here. I've got you."
Then there was nothing but darkness.
WatchingDante without being able to get near him had been difficult. I wanted nothing more than to rush in and steal him away from whatever mess he'd gotten himself into.
Except, there was one little problem. Or rather, a large problem.
Ricardo, the man assigned to watch over him.
The first time I'd seen Dante, he was headed inside the address Memphis had given me. He was covered in blood, and I had no doubt he'd been out doing business as The Monster. I almost wished I could have seen it. I had no doubt he was as magnificent in his vengeance as I pictured him to be.
There wasn't much security in the house, so I was able to approach the window with ease. I watched for a moment as he moved through the main area. He was calm and relaxed, nothing to give away what he'd just done.
It wasn't until he froze and began looking around the room that I realized something wasn't right. I couldn't hear a noise, and yet, Dante acted as if there was someone inside with him who shouldn't be.
Or maybe it was me. Maybe it was the connection we'd always shared tugging at him to let him know I was near.
No matter the cause, I left after he moved into another room, his gun raised as if to take out someone meaning him harm. I knew from watching the place for the last several hours that no one had been in or out except for the Ricardo fella.
I'd return in a couple of hours to watch over him. There were a few things I needed to set up first.
"You already got the details you wanted from me. What the fuck could you want this early?" Tank grumbled across the line.
I would have felt bad had he not held information over my head for that stupid dinner. "I need to use one of your safe houses. It needs to be something that won't connect back to me."
He sighed. "I'd argue with you if it weren't such a pointless endeavor. I'll have Memphis send you the details. We'll call in a food delivery. How soon will you need it ready?"
"A few hours. Maybe by noon. That doable?" I wouldn't need it quite that early, but I figured it best no one was there to witness whatever the fuck happened between Dante and I when I brought him there.
No witnesses were always best.
"We can swing that. You'll call if you run into trouble?"
"Sure thing," I said. We both knew it was a lie, but I think having me agree gave his conscience peace.
I ended the call knowing I'd have what I needed to hole up for a few days. Maybe more if Tank stocked us well enough with frozen goods, and I could swing deliveries while Dante slept. I knew it sounded insane, but it was the way my mind worked.