Page 44 of Lawless
Our future was to be determined, but I held strongly to the belief that nothing would stop us.
The timebetween our initial meetup with our allies and the second felt like it flew by. I held Dante close as much as possible. I wanted to feel the comfort of his touch, while also making sure he knew I'd have his back no matter what came our way.
My boy was strong. That I knew.
But his heart was soft. And though he was ready to take down his father, I also knew there was a chance he'd hesitate. A slight chance.
"We do this together," he said as we entered the warehouse again.
I pulled him into a fast, hard kiss. "Yes, baby. Together. Now let's go kill this fucker and take back what's yours."
My boy grinned as he damn near skipped over to the others. Memphis was here this time, a laptop bag slung over his body and a blueprint copy of the compound spread across a makeshift table. He nodded at us both as we approached.
"Glad you both are here. It's time we get started. Here are your comms." He passed the little earpieces out to me, Dante, Ricardo, Pharrell, and Yamamoto. "You'll be connected to me at all times. We're doing this quickly and easily. Guards are posted here, here, and here. There's a blind spot here that we're going to take advantage of. Pharrell, Stasia, and crew will enter there and begin disarming the perimeter. After that, we'll move further inside."
Memphis looked over to Dante for the next steps. My boy stepped forward; his chin raised high.
"From there, we split into teams to sweep the area. My father loved to tell everyone how he'd built an army vast enough to keep anyone out. You need to prepare for a good number of men to appear once the shots start going off. Yamamoto, Preacher, and I will make a beeline for my father's office. If we execute this properly, we can get to him before the executions begin."
A ripple of desire moved through me at the way he spoke. It was like watching Dante leave and The Monster come out to play. He was all blood and power, revenge and hatred.
I fucking loved it.
"Any questions?" Memphis asked the room.
"None on my end. I'm ready to take care of this, so I may return home to make arrangements for my family. A new wife must be procured to sire my heirs." Yamamoto didn't sound so happy about the idea, but who was I to judge the man for what he needed to do? He seemed like the type to hold strong to tradition, which was why he needed to come reclaim his honor.
"Let's load up," my boy told the group as he turned to leave.
I walked beside him as we made our way to the car we were sharing with Ricardo, Pharrell, and Stasia. No one spoke. There wasn't a need. We had our game faces on and there was only one thing on our mind.
The ride over wasn't super long, and with us all so focused, it felt quicker than it was. We parked far enough away from the compound to not be noticed and to not trip any alarms. Ricardo had given us intel on where on the perimeter was the best place to stop.
We were about a half mile up the road from the main area when we decided to send the foot soldiers into position. The teams began to make their way around to where Memphis had told him. He'd been barking orders to everyone through the comms from the moment the cars shut off. He was our eyes and ears in every sense, and I was thankful as fuck for him. Since everything that went down with the other NightShade men, he'd been even more tenacious about ensuring we were all secure.
Our steps were quiet as we made our way closer to the perimeter. The night was darker, no glow from the moon or sparkle of stars to give us away.
There couldn't have been a better setting for this plan.
At the edge of the compound, we came upon the guards just as Memphis said. His voice came through our ears at that exact moment. "You've got two guards to take down. From there, it's clear until you get to the side entrance. Hold for Team Alpha." There was a pause, then he shouted, "Go!"
Dante rushed forward; his body poised to strike. There was no stopping him now that the plan was in motion.
I followed closely; the need to protect him was strong. As we approached the wall, we saw the space Memphis had mentioned. There was a literal gap in the design, one they probably never suspected anyone to use. Pharrell, Stasia, and a group of five men approached the space, then disappeared between the gap.
There was a pause, then the barely there sound of bodies hitting the ground. "You're up," Memphis called through the line. "The others are moving further inside to clear a path."
"Ready, Daddy," Dante whispered, mischievous grin in place.
I took him in, my heart swelling at the sight of him so happy. It should have been worrisome that the idea of revenge and killing his father created such a reaction, but I knew my boy. He needed this. He needed tonight to happen because his father was an outright asshole who'd never deserved him in the first place. And the best way to get back at him was to make sure he knew his gay son, the one he'd tried to send away as a type of conversion therapy bullshit practice, not only came back to take his spot in the organization, but that he did it with his husband at his side.
"Right behind you," I replied.
We just barely slipped through the space in the wall where the others had gone through. It was barely big enough for us both to turn sideways, our backs and fronts pressed into the concrete of the wall, as we shimmied through.