Page 8 of Lawless
Things had only grown from there. Lloyd had always been my protector. He'd shielded me from the worst of this world when he could. And now, he was also the person who took care of me when I needed it most. When the blood and crime got too much for me, when I would feel like that beaten down little boy all over again, he was there to pick me up.
My Daddy.
"You can spank me later. For now, we have a job to do. And we're almost there." With regret, I climbed off his lap and settled back into my bigger persona. If we needed to make men bleed tonight, I definitely couldn't be focused on the man beside me and all the wicked things I wanted him to do to me.
Lloyd didn't speak again until the car stopped. "You'll start, and I'll finish."
I laughed at the demand. It was the same role we played many times before. Almost like good cop/bad cop, but with members of the mafia. And to be honest, I wasn't really all that good. Not when we needed information from someone.
We climbed from the car and stepped inside the meat packing factory. This was one of many of our hideout places that existed in plain sight. No one would know the pig for their bacon was hanging up next to the addict who refused to pay his gambling debts back.
Striding through the building, we ignored the customers and workers as we slipped through the office to the extended portion of the building. Back here was where all the unseemly stuff went down. And sure enough, strapped to a chair in the middle of the room was just the man I was looking for.
"Clive!" I shouted once he turned to look my way. "How's it going, bud? The wife and kids ok?"
He spat at my feet. "Don't bring them into this! It's none of your fucking — "
I punched him in the face before he could finish. Blood flew from his mouth onto the concrete floor. My knuckles burned with the blow of the hit, but it was nothing compared to how Clive would feel before the night was done.
"That wasn't very polite of you, Clive. I was going to be nice. I had plans to talk to you, man to man. But now I'm wondering if I shouldn't just hand you over to Lloyd." I turned to look at the man behind me. He was leaning against the wall in what would be a casual pose for anyone else. For him, it looked threatening.
"No, no. I don't want... Just let me answer. I can answer."
I faced Clive again, my brow raised. "What a quick change of heart? I guess word has gotten out about how good Lloyd is with his tools." The sniveling man before me doesn't agree, but the way his breathing picks up and the pulse point at his neck tells me everything I need to know.
The next few hours are spent with me pulling information from Clive. Dates, times, and routes are given for our competitor's drug business. He knows vital intel since those gambling events he can’t seem to stay out of are run by the pricks.
I don't want to necessarily push the shit in the city, but my father is big on making sure we corner the market on everything. The only off-limits action is the skin trade. We have strippers and hookers galore, but they all choose to be there. Anyone forcing them gets to meet me and Lloyd for a little fun time.
"You've been excellent today, Clive. I'm glad you've done so well. It's a shame we can't let you leave," I told him once we knew everything we needed.
He shouted profanities at me, his voice a fever pitch of anger. "But I gave you everything! You told me you wouldn't hurt me."
Looking down at him, I let all the darkness inside me push out. I put my crazy on display for him to see.
"I never once said I wouldn't hurt you. Besides, if you walk out of here, then people will talk. They'll think we've gone soft. Your family will be taken care of. And we'll honor you in a beautiful ceremony before God and his people. Don't you worry." Lloyd spoke softly as he stepped from the shadows. His words were directly opposite of the violence he was about to subject.
Clive burst into tears as he begged and prayed for his freedom. He asked Lloyd for mercy, his gaze pleading for repentance. I watched it all in a sort of detached manner, my mind already thinking of the plans I'd need to make in order to use the information we learned.
Lloyd didn't slow his movements or hesitate as he pulled his gun out. "Your God will see to your afterlife. I'm merely the one to help you get to him."
After it was said and done, the cleanup crew came in to make sure the space would be ready for whoever our next victim was. Lloyd shuffled me from the space as he led me to another waiting car out back. We climbed inside then he put the privacy screen up.
As it always did, the adrenaline of the kill had him hungry for me. I never complained since it meant I had a way to release my own demons.
Lloyd worked my pants free until my cock sprang out. Then he leaned me back so he could have all the access he needed. My boyfriend dove forward, his mouth eager to take me in.
Warm heat surrounded me, and my eyes rolled back at the feeling. His tongue teased me as he sucked and stroked me. I was already on edge, so it only took a couple of city blocks for me to blow. The moment I did, I was shifting positions to taste him next. My cock wasn't even fully soft before I was returning the favor.
I was too keyed up to go slow with him. My mouth wrapped around his fat cock, swallowing him down as much as I could. No matter how many times we'd done this, I always had to work to get him inside me. Whether it was my mouth or my ass, it didn't matter. There was always a buildup.
"That's it, baby. Show Daddy you missed him." I sucked hard the moment he used my name for him. It always turned me on more to hear him use it.
His hands moved to my hair where he guided me up and down to the rhythm he wanted. It was a slow, steady pace that dragged out his orgasm much longer than mine. I didn't mind it, though. Even as my jaw ached and my knees began to bruise, I still feasted on him like it would be the last chance I'd get.
Because in this life, you never knew when your last chance would be.
When he came, it poured down my throat and filled my cheeks. I had to work to swallow it all down. Afterwards, I licked his length just to double check it was clean. I was thorough like that.