Page 57 of Irresistibly Wild
We both shot her a blank stare.
“It was only a suggestion.” She cleared her throat. “I believe Mr. Carter is more than willing to pay you four million, Miss Brave. With all due respect, Mr. Carter, hurry up and agree before she increases the price.”
“I also need the money paid to me in installments starting today,” I said.
Travis crossed his arms. “You’re truly worried that I won’t pay you at the end?”
“No, but I need some of it upfront so I can get ahead of things before I venture off to make-believe-land.”
“I’ll make sure that gets handled, Miss Brave.” Miss Dawson looked between us. “Do we have a deal? Four million dollars in exchange for a ninety-day engagement?”
“Yes,” we said in unison.
“Can you shake hands on that for my sanity, please?”
Travis held out his hand, and I took my time shaking it, feeling warmth travel through my body at his slight touch.
His fingers lingered against mine for what felt like forever, and then he whispered, “I know it’s been a while, but do I need to give you instructions on how to reach a release?”
I jerked my hand back.
“Good girl,” he said. “Looks like you’re still good at letting go.”
“I learned from the best.”
“‘I’m glad you know that’s what I’ll always be for you .” He looked me over. “We can handle any further negotiations over the phone.”
“Why?” I asked. “Is it too hard to stay in the same room with me?”
“Yes.” He left without another word. I watched him cross the street and slip into a black town car.
“Come on, come on…” Miss Dawson hastily flipped the light switch up and down.
“The lights don’t work,” I said.
“Nonsense!” She continued flipping the switch. “I had a place like this once. You have to jiggle it the right way. The quicker they come on, the quicker we can hash out the ins and outs of this contract.”
“They don’t work because I can’t afford to pay the bill,” I said. “They’re not coming on.”
I lit a white candle and gestured for her to have a seat.
“Um, no offense,” she said, “but why were you playing hardball if you’re this broke?”
“Because this is only a temporary setback.”
“Got it.” She stared at me. “Personal question, just for my sake. How long did you two date in the past?”
“We never dated in the past.”
“Right. Well, how long were you friends then?”
“I’m just now meeting him today, Miss Dawson,” I said. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You’re both very good at this already.” She smiled. “I think this will be a breeze. Just one thing, though. You might want to tone down the lusty look in your eyes when he comes around. Unless that’s real and you’re not pretending?”
I changed the subject before I could call off the deal.