Page 6 of Irresistibly Wild
“I can easily jump this gate without any help,” I say. “If I don’t hear a ‘Yes’ within the next minute, I’ll do that and leave you here.”
“Ugh, fine.” She loops her fingers through the wire and looks over her shoulder. “Are you helping me or not?”
“I’m admiring this view first.”
She lets go with an eye-roll, and I gently grip her wrists.
“I’m kidding,” I say. “Grab on again, and I’ll lift you on the count of three.”
She obliges, and I immediately grip her waist.
“One, two …” I pause. “Three.”
I lift her higher and she grabs the top rung, flipping herself over like a gymnast before climbing down.
She picks up her backpack and looks at me. “Thank you very much. I’ll meet you where you asked.”
Determined to get her phone number, I head in that direction, wondering why I’ve never seen her around before.
This has to be her first night here.
When I reach the west side, she’s holding the door open for me. Somehow, she looks even more alluring under the bright white lights.
“So, um…” She blushes. “Thanks again for your help.”
“You’re very welcome. What’s your name?”
“Tatiana,” she says. “Tatiana Brave.”
“Well, it’s just Tati to my family and people who know me. Tatiana Brave for formal stuff and strangers, no offense. And you are?”
In fucking disbelief.“Travis Carter.”
“Nice to meet you, Trav—” She narrows her eyes and steps back. “As inPenelope Carter’sasshole older brother who leaves mean voicemails on my phone every other weekend?”
“I leave you a messageeveryweekend. I believe in consistency.”
She gasps. “Did you come here to pull a Tonya Harding on me?”
“First you leave the voicemails, and now you’re here in my hometown trying to break my knee caps before I face your sister again, aren’t you?” She’s talking to herself, not me. “How low can she possibly go? Isn’t being ranked number one in the world enough?”
“I know she’s a few years younger than me—which shelovesto brag about—but I never thought she was immature enough to come up with this type of plan. You should be ashamed of yourself for agreeing to it, and I’m definitely calling the police.”
“First of all, I would never put my hands on a woman.” I look her over again. “Not in the way you’re implying, anyway. Second of all, Ilivein this city and I’m not here to sabotage you. Contrary to what you think, I had no idea what you looked like before now. I haven’t been to any skating competitions in awhile.”
“Like I’ll ever believe that.” She rolls her eyes. “But somehow you got my phone number so you could harass me?”
“Penelope has no idea that I have your number,” I admit. “I asked my best friend to do some hacking and get it for me.”
“Well, that scenario sounds sooo much better.” She takes another step back. “Not. Anything else you want to admit tonight?”