Page 65 of Irresistibly Wild
“I know today is your mom’s birthday,” she said. “She was born three days before my mom, so I’ve always remembered that.”
My heart swelled, and I drowned my pending confession under a wave of guilt.
“Thank you, Penelope.” My voice cracked. “Thank you so much.”
“Of course.” She leaned over and hugged me. “By the way, you can totally handle being fake-engaged to my asshole brother. It’s only for ninety days.”
“Wait, what?” I looked up. “Hetold you about that?”
“Yeah.” She shrugged. “He called me right before I got here, actually. What a stupidly brilliant plan that I can’t believe you agreed to take part in. What the hell are you thinking?”
“I…” I wasn’t sure what to say.
“I figured he’d have to do something drastic to repair his image, but I would’ve never guessed an engagement.” She snorted. “With you on his arm, he’ll look a lot better to sponsors for sure.”
“You’re okay with this?”
“I’m more shocked that you’re fine with it, since he used to leave all those mean voicemails, but—” She paused. “You did call him ‘sexy as fuck’ when we went to his last fight months ago, so maybe there’s a bit of attraction there.”
“I was drunk out of my mind.”
“I know.” She laughed. “Just don’t catch feelings for him while you’re away, okay? He’s incapable of loving anyone but himself. That, and his career.”
“He lovesyoumore than anything, Penelope.”
“He loves me by default,” she said. “He’s always been more of a ruling tyrant than an older brother, if I’m being honest.”
“You don’t mean that.” I smiled, but her expression slowly shifted into an emotion I couldn’t quite read.
I’d seen her like this whenever we watched our old competitions together, whenever she’d say, “Another one Travis was too busy to make it to,” or “Guess what my brother’s excuse was for missing this one?”
I never guessed, though.
“He missed out on almost every skating competition when I was at my peak,” she said. “I may not have all my memories back, but I remember him being unapologetic about it because he felt his career was far more important than mine. He even pulled out of coming to see me in the Sochi Olympics at the last minute afterpromisingthat he’d be there. He fucking promised.”
“I’m sure he had a reason…”
“Whatever it was, he never told me or apologized, and that one still burns to this day.” She let out a slow breath. “I love him like hell, but I’m warning you, he can be a bit much to handle.”
I didn’t utter a word.
As if this discussion was as simple as the weather and the grey skies were long gone, she pulled a copy ofSkate Worldfrom her purse.
“We were the last of our generation, Tati.” She slid it toward me. “So much is different with the competitions now.”
“You still have a subscription to this?”
“I have every issue, with the exception of five.”
“Let me guess, those are the ones where I starred on the front cover?”
“Exactly.” She smiled. “I trust you didn’t buy my editions either.”
“No, I bought every single one of yours,” I said.
“Did you rip out the pages?”
“Right before I set them on fire.”