Page 76 of Irresistibly Wild
“You’re correct about the rematch.” Madeline spoke before I could. “But you won’t be invited to their wedding, sir.”
I smiled at her, grateful she was trying to make up for her previous lies.
“I see.” He looked offended. “Well, why won’t I be?”
“Because they’re eloping tonight.”
What in the actual fuck?
“Is that so?” Mr. Truss smiled. “Am I interrupting that process?”
“Hell no,” Tatiana and I spoke in unison.
“They just don’t want to be rude to you, sir.” Madeline was getting firedtonight. “The press hasn’t caught on to them as a couple yet, and they don’t want to make a big spectacle about their marriage since it’s true love, you know.”
I wasn’t sure when Ralph moved next to me, but I heard him whispering, “Don’t say a goddamn thing until we leave, Travis.”
“I should’ve known the king of Vegas would want to elope in the very city that’s known for it” Mr. Truss glanced at his phone. “How late are those chapels open anyway?”
“Pretty late,” Madeline said. “Well, some of them, anyway.”
“Well, I’d hate to intrude on your nuptials any further than I already have.” He walked over and patted my shoulder. “Miss Dawson, call me after the honeymoon and let’s talk about things, shall we?”
“Gladly!” She smiled and walked him to the exit while the rest of us remained frozen.
The moment she returned to the table, I uttered the three words I’d been sitting on since the day she landed in my life.
“You’re fucking fired,” I said.
“You heard me.” I pointed to the exit. “I’ll send you a check that covers the next two months of your no-longer-needed services.”
“Hold on a second.” Ralph stepped in front of her. “It’s still ninety days. Just get a quickie marriage and an annulment if you want to keep them aboard.”
“I’m not marrying you just because you say so.” Tatiana looked at me.
“It won’t be a real marriage,” I said.
“It sounds like it will be,” she said. “And it sounds like you’re stillassumingthat just because you snap your fingers that something is a done deal without asking the other person if it’s okay.”
“Can Mr. Carter increase the payment he’s giving you to make you reconsider?” Madeline asked.“Please?”
“By all means,” I said, “ Just let her drain my entire bank account at this point.”
“I don’t want any more of his money.” Tatiana hissed.
“Then what do you want?”
“I want him toask me.”
“Come again?”
“Get on your knees andfuckingask meto marry you, Travis.”
“We can come up with something else,” I said. “I’m not begging her for shit.”
“I’ll do it,” Madeline got down on her knees. “Will it count if it comes from me?”