Page 90 of Irresistibly Wild
“What?” Her eyes widened. “How is that even possible, Travis?”
“Because I don’t see a need to torture—” I caught myself. “There’s no need to see her outside of our schedule. I’m sure she’s fine.”
“It’s unlike her to ghost me.” She frowned. “So, either you’ve done something terrible and she’s mulling it over alone because she doesn’t want to make things awkward by bringing it up with me, or…No, you’ve definitely done something.”
“I’ll tell her to call you when I get home.”
“I’ll stay on the phone until then to make sure.”
“There’s no need for that. I’ll do what I said.”
“Within the next half hour?”
“No. I’d have to leave now and speed home in order to make that happen.”
“Okay.” She nodded, looking as if that was more than reasonable.
I was about to tell her that she was out of her mind, but the look in her eyes gave me pause.
It was the same look she gave me years ago, when I told her that I had to leave her behind in Seattle and couldn’t give her a date for my return. The look she gave me time after time via our old video chats when she said, “I don’t have any female friends, Travis. I can’t even makeone.”
“I’ll leave now.” I walked down the steps. “How are things in Manhattan?”
“Better than expected,” she said. “The rink has been busy nonstop, and I’m in talks with a few programs about long-term contracts.”
“Congratulations. Did you figure out the design for the new floors you plan to add next year?”
“Yes and no. It’s a long story.”
“I have time on this drive home to listen to it.”
I listened to her tell me the plans as I drove, but she sighed before I could set foot inside my condo.
“One of the top contractors is calling me,” she said. “If I don’t hear from you or Tati by the time we’re done talking, I’m flying out there.”
“Don’t be so dramatic,” I said. “You’ll hear back.”
She ended the call, and I unlocked the door.
The sugary scent of waffles smacked me in the face, so I strolled into the kitchen. The only sign of Tatiana was a plate in the sink and a note on the counter.
Chef Blaine,
Thank you for showing me the proper way to make gourmet Belgian waffles.
I truly appreciate the lesson.
I will happily take you up on those gourmet lemon wings you mentioned for dinner. :-)
Much appreciation,
The sound of glass shattering caught my attention. It wasn’t coming from Tatiana’s room, though.
Someone was in my master suite.