Page 59 of Soup Sandwich
I release the doorframe and fold my arms over my chest. “I get it, Layla. I do. But I thinkyou’resexy and it’s going to be seriously painful and difficult not to try and get in your pants every second of every day. Especially when I wake up and you're gripping my dick. But we’ll be good. Adults, even. We’ll find a common ground and hopefully, this doesn’t last longer than it has to.”
“Sounds like a plan, hot man. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Can I come down and wait with you?” I want to make sure she gets in the car safely.
“No. But I promise to wait inside until it arrives, and you can watch the car like a stalker on your phone.”
I can live with that. “Deal.”
I toss her a wave, watch as she walks down the stairs, and then hit the shower to, unfortunately, wash her off me. Fifteen minutes later, I go into Katy’s room and wake her. It hits me that I have no idea what to tell her about Layla. I don’t want to lie, but she’s six, and six-year-olds aren’t known for being the best secret keepers.
“Morning, Ladybug.” I kiss the top of her brown head. “How’d you sleep?”
“Good.” She yawns noisily. Half the time, she remembers her dreams and half the time she doesn’t. “Am I going to camp today?”
“No, honey. It’s Saturday.”
She rolls over, picking at the sleep in her eyes. “Can we go back to the park then? Or maybe find me a new mermaid book?”
“Sure.” I hesitate. “Katy, I need to tell you something.”
She yawns again, slowly sitting up and adjusting her pajama shirt. “What is it?”
“You know Layla?”
She starts playing with her comforter. “I won’t run away again,” she promises. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, bug, I’m not talking about that. I was going to ask if you’d want to spend more time with her?”
Her head snaps up and her eyes light up for the first time since her parents died. “Can I?”
“I was thinking she could move in with us for a while. Hang out with us.”
“Really? She can do that?”
“She can.” I smile, tapping the tip of her nose.
“Why is she moving here?”
“For you, honey. For us. She’s… special to me. She’s my… well, I guess she’s my fiancée now.” Guilt hits me, but I push through it. When this ends, Katy may very well hate me, but I’ll cross that bridge when it comes. “If someone asks you who she is, that’s what you’ll tell them. Okay?”
I watch her face as she thinks about what I said and then she simply shrugs. “Okay. I’m hungry. Can I have waffles for breakfast?”
Inwardly, I laugh. Kids are so easy. If only adults were like that. “Sure, kiddo. Whatever you want.”
I kiss her forehead and then set out her clothes and leave her room. A wave of anxiety hits me when I think about what I’m doing, the risk I’m taking. All I can do is pray this lie is what saves us instead of ruins us.
Layla didn’t end up moving in Saturday night. I think after our sexcapade, she needed more time, and I didn’t argue about it since I needed it too. Despite what Layla said, Oliver did, in fact, show up on my doorstep. It was two days later than I thought it would be. Shockingly, it wasn’t with a shotgun, and it wasn’t to beat the shit out of me. He gave me a hug and a handshake and told me not to fuck Layla up or he would return with the shotgun and his brothers.
He brought Layla’s suitcases in and left.
Then she and I spent an hour or so unpacking and moving her into my place.
Into mybed.
She had maybe a suitcase and a half and I have a big house with a lot of closet space and her stuff fit in my room with zero problems. I gave Katy a bath and gave Layla her space and all was fine. The problems started at ten when we both got into bed. Friday night she was passed out. That wasn’t the case this time.