Page 67 of Secret Squirrel
“Fuck! I’m supposed to get married!” I flung my knee up, ramming it into his ribs. He gasped, giving me enough time to grab him by the back of the jacket and send him crashing through the drywall. Dust particles floated in the air around him as he stumbled out, spinning around to face me. He had blood dripping from his face all over his white shirt. I flinched, knowing that suit wouldn’t really work for me now.
“Well, fuck,” I muttered. “Look what you did!”
He spit onto the floor, gaping at me. “What I did? You shoved me through the wall!”
“Because you wouldn’t just give me your fucking suit,” I snapped. “It’s a simple request on my wedding day! It’s not right for you to look like James Bond while I look like The Pink Panther!”
“Oh come on! You didn’t even put in any effort with this wedding. You didn’t plan it or anything.”
“I called a minister!”
“And you threatened him if he didn’t make the wedding happen!”
“Because I need to get married!”
“Because you were too much of a pussy to wait until you could plan it out,” he shot back.
I saw red and charged him again. This time, both of us crashed through the wall. I groaned as something pinched me in the side. I must have caught a nail or something. Lock groaned beneath me, shoving at my shoulder. I pushed off him, sticking my hand in his face and using it for leverage. He punched me in the stomach, which only made me collapse on top of him. I coughed through the dust and stumbled out of the drywall, slumping on the ground. My suit was covered in dirt and my shirt was no longer white.
Lock fell onto the ground beside me with a grunt. His hair was hanging loosely from his ponytail and he still looked better than me. Stupid fucker. I coughed again and peeled my jacket back, wincing at the blood staining my shirt.
“Need me to look at that?” Lock coughed.
“Why? So you can grind your thumb in the wound?”
“No, because I’m a fucking medic and I can look at it.”
I scowled at him and almost allowed him to, but then Rae walked in, letting out a low whistle when she saw the state of us. “Boss, this…is not a good look for your wedding.”
“No shit. This fucker wouldn’t lend me his suit.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “His suit doesn’t look too much better.”
“It did before,” Lock sneered. “And then this fucker started a fight.”
“I asked you for your suit.”
“You demanded it,” he argued. “It’s not civilized.”
“Bullshit,” I snapped. “You wanted to look better than me.”
“I wanted—”
“Boys!” Rae shouted. With a sigh, she walked over to us and grabbed both of our arms, hauling us to our feet. She glanced down at my stomach and shook her head at the blood staining my shirt. “That’s not going to do for the wedding.” Then she looked at Lock. She turned him around and sighed at the large split in his pants. “Well, it’ll have to do. The wedding was supposed to start ten minutes ago.”
“Ten minutes ago?” I shoved them out of the way and ran down the hall, then raced down the stairs. I heard pounding feet behind me, but didn’t pay attention. I couldn’t let Eva think I wasn’t going to show. I was about to get in the driver’s side when Lock snagged me by the back of the jacket.
“I’ll drive!”
I tossed him the keys and jumped into the passenger side. Rae got in her own vehicle and we tore down the driveway. The ceremony was at Red’s house and it would take us nearly ten minutes to get there. I tried calling Eva’s number on the way, but it went straight to voicemail.
“No answer?” Lock asked as I tossed my phone on the dash.
“No. She’s going to think I had second thoughts.”
“She’s going to understand when she sees the way you look. It’s Eva. She’ll probably ask why she wasn’t invited.”
“Fuck, this wasn’t the wedding I wanted for her.”