Page 92 of Secret Squirrel
“What about the department in Louisiana? With the information on this guy, surely they’ll look into it.”
“Guess who their biggest donor is.”
“Holy shit,” Nick whispered as the elevator doors opened to the lower levels of OPS.
I stepped out in front of Nick and Duke, leading them to the IT room. I called ahead and let Cash know I’d be bringing Nick in, since he wasn’t a member of OPS, it was something I needed to clear with him first.
“How does nobody know about this?”
“Trust me, too many people know about it,” I said, eyeing Duke over my shoulder. Somehow, Duke had gotten into my office without my permission. I was still trying to figure that one out.
“When did you guys move in here?”
I glanced at Nick as I held my hand up to the sensor, allowing me access to the IT room. “We’ve been here for a few years.”
“And the town doesn’t suspect?”
“I keep an eye on things for them,” Duke said. “My business basically makes it look like a legitimate operation since there are so many vehicles and so little office space.”
“Wow, you’ve got this whole thing figured out. How does Fox fit into all this? I can’t see him working at a company, let alone working a protection detail.”
“He does training.” I smirked at him and let them into the IT room. Nick’s face dropped comically as he stared at the multiple screens in the room that rivaled any other security company.
“I thought you guys were bodyguards,” Nick muttered. “What the hell is this place?”
“We’re not your usual bodyguards. At least, not anymore.” I dropped into my chair and pulled up the file on Michael West and Liberty West. “Rafe has known Cash for a long time. If you remember, there was a power outage on the west coast a few years back.”
“Yeah, I remember. The whole west coast grid went down.”
“Cash was working to restore power as efficiently as possible, and while doing that, he came across a possible suspect responsible for it all. Rafe was working for the FBI at the time, and he basically wormed his way into the entire situation, and…well, it’s a long story and a hell of a clusterfuck. From there, he continued to insert himself into our business. He was trying to keep Eva safe when he got shot. Rafe stole him from the hospital and brought him here as a bit of a peace offering.”
Nick’s eyebrows shot up. “He gave a decked out missile silo as a peace offering? Man, to have those kinds of friends.”
“Trust me, you don’t want to have a friend like Rafe. He’ll stab you in the back in the name of the greater good. So, we have this amazing facility, but because of that, we’re forced to work with Rafe occasionally, which has turned into a whole fuck of a lot over the last few months.”
“Doing what? You said Rafe used to work for the FBI.”
“And now he’s rogue.”
“Wait, this is the guy you had here,” Duke said, staring at the screen at a picture of Rafe. “This is Cash.”
“It’s not Cash. It’s his twin.”
“That’s Cash,” he pointed to the screen. “Those are the same tattoos.”
I nodded, ready to move on from this. “It’s on purpose.”
“This is the guy that was here the night you had a bomb strapped to your chest!” he yelled angrily at me. “What the fuck?”
“It was a ruse. I was helping him escape.”
“Purposely?” he said in shock.