Page 31 of Bitter Pills
Chapter Sixteen
I clutched the gun in my palm and waited. "Three minutes out," John said in a low voice. When he'd gotten the notification that Kaydence was leaving the house and zipping down back roads at high speeds, I knew in my gut that they were being chased. John insisted that Kaydence was more than capable of handling the situation, but still, we stood with guns at the ready, prepared to take down anyone threatening our women. If she had a single hair on her head hurt, I'd make them pay.
"I still don't understand why we didn't try to go meet them on the road," Nix said through clenched teeth. He looked completely fucked, his hands shaking, his face like gritty stone. I was falling apart, too, but he looked utterly broken. The guilt made every bone in his body coil with tension. I wanted to comfort him, but now wasn’t the time. We needed to save our girl.
"We wouldn't have made it in time. This is a secluded spot. My sister is going to be here soon with her private plane, which will provide for a quick getaway," John explained for the tenth time. I didn’t like this plan. I didn’t like just waiting.
One of us should have stayed behind. It was egotistical of us to think we had more time. No one could have possibly connected us to John. I didn’t understand how they found us so quickly. I took back roads getting there. I rented a car under a false name and paid with an untraceable debit card. No one knew of my connection to John, so I figured no one knew where we were. This was why I couldn't allow myself to be distracted by Nix. I was so excited to spend the day with him that I didn't even consider staying behind to make sure no one bothered us. I thought we were in our safe little bubble at John and Kaydence's house. I thought we had time. I thought it would take them longer to find us. We did everything right. I covered my tracks.
Or so I thought.
I knew the Ringleaders were dangerous before, but their power felt limitless.
"I can hear them," Nix said before lifting his gun and aiming at the road. "You sure these guns work? They look like they haven't been used in a decade."
"Yeah, well, available artillery in Australia is hard to come by. Just get ready," John snapped.
I felt my entire body tense as a cloud of dust kicked up in the distance. I could hear the roar of a motorcycle speeding toward us.
Grace and Kaydence climbed the hill and fully came into view. I breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't see anyone behind them. They looked wild and fierce, spinning the tires and closing the distance between us.
"I knew she had it handled," John said in awe. “Damn, she looks hot on that bike.”
The moment they parked, the three of us swarmed the motorcycle. Kaydence was laughing her ass off. "I wish I could have seen your face when we jumped off the cliff," she cackled while fixing her hair.
"I nearly pissed myself," Grace snorted. "You wouldn't have been laughing then. Also I'm pretty sure you bruised my vagina."
Their playful conversation did nothing to ease my worries.
I grabbed Grace and physically picked her up off the motorcycle and clutched her to my chest. "Holy shit. What happened?" I asked while holding her tight. My hands roamed her shaking back, checking for injuries. Fuck was that a cut on her cheek?
"Unmarked car showed up. Kaydence went full James Bond and lost them in a high speed motorcycle chase. Who the fuck are you even?" Grace asked Kaydence while pulling away. She gave John's wife an incredulous look.
"I used to do motocross," Kaydence replied with a shrug before turning to her husband and smiling at him. "I lost them over at that cliff where we used to hook up when we were first dating, but I'm sure they'll find us soon. Wanna take a road trip? I'm in the mood for a nice vacation."
“I’ve always loved that hookup spot,” John replied dreamily before slapping Kaydence’s ass. “You’re such a badass. A vacation sounds nice.”
How they were possibly remaining calm was a mystery to me.
I was about to invite them both to come with us when Nix stole Grace from my arms and slammed his lips to hers. Grace melted on impact, and I watched with hungry fascination. I didn't want to kiss my best friend, but I understood his need to make sure she was really here—really safe. I had half a mind to strip her down and make sure she had no further injuries. I hated this. The Ringleaders were too fucking close. Nix's distance was starting to make sense.
Nix grabbed her ass as they kissed, making her wince. "What?" he asked while pulling away.
"I didn't stick the landing," Grace mumbled before rubbing at her tailbone. “I’m pretty sure my ass is going to be bruised for the next week.”
“Shame,” Nix mumbled.
"Sorry about that," Kaydence added with a chuckle. “I knew if I warned you, you would have screamed.”
“I screamed anyway,” Grace argued with wide eyes.
“Yeah, but you didn’t scream,Oh god, please no. Don’t do it!” Kaydence looked at her husband and smirked.
“One time. I have onetinyfreak out, and you hold it over me for all of eternity,” John grumbled.
As much as I was loving this reunion, I wanted to get going. I didn't like sitting in an open field just waiting for the Ringleaders to find us. This organization felt like a faceless enemy, but I felt their presence everywhere. “When will your sister be here?”