Page 16 of The Easter Hunt
She doesn’t reply, and I let it go. It probably didn’t need to be said. I’m sure it was a one-time event.
After a few minutes, she speaks again. “When Matsumoto sent the letter, there was a little black thing in it. He said it was a tracking device, and that he now knew where the house was and if I didn’t come, he’d send men to raid the house, kill everyone else, and take me. That’s not why I came. I was coming for that fucker anyway. It’s important to me that you know that.”
I nod and sigh. “I’ll take a look at it when we get back.” It was probably a bluff. Matsumoto didn’t bring a team with him, just the one bodyguard, but I’ll double check to make sure there’s no one else we need to take out to keep the house safe.
Either way, I need to let Gabe know, no more mail can be brought to the house. Technology has advanced too far, and shit like this could become a threat. All mail needs to be dealt with and handled off site.
The best part of the day is arriving back at the house and watching the terrified gaping faces of everyone from the girls to the trainers, to the guys, to Phyllis staring at us in shock and horror as we bring in bag after bag after bag of what they all know are body parts.
Lindsay is the only one who has words to speak, because of course he does.
“How did she get off the property? We were worried sick.”
“Sure you were, Doc.” He was worried about her ratting out the house was what he was worried about. As far as I’m concerned, Mina has earned the right to be a free-range kitty. Her security bracelet won’t be going back on. She could have run. But she didn’t. She could have just let me rot. And now she’s a felon. She’s one of us now.
Mina laughs. “You didn’t give a shit about Brian so why give one about me?”
Everyone in the house actually take a step back from her when she speaks. It’s the same fear they have around me, and it makes me ridiculously happy to see it. Even the shrink finds her threatening which thrills me all the way to the center of my black heart.
“Our girl killed two men today,” I say, flashing them what I’m sure is my most maniacal grin. “I’m so proud.”
More shock. Annette is actually hiding behind Anton. But when I look at Mina, she looks hurt that they’re reacting to her this way. I take her hand and squeeze it.
“Come on,” I say when she turns her attention to me.
A part of me wants to punish everyone here treating her like she’s a threat to them. They’re all so fragile and weak. Normal People. They can’t handle blood or pain or death. They can’t stand to look under the surface of their nice safe life. They believe whatever the people on the TV news box tells them. They believe we live in a world of justice and clearly defined good and evil. And that the good guys always win.
And they will never let someone like me or now Mina pollute or corrupt this happy delusional lie.
Mina picks up a bag and follows me downstairs to the incinerator.