Page 120 of A Game of Fate
“What does she hate most?”
Hades offered a small smile.“Our bargain.”
“Do you love her?”
“Yes,” Hades said without hesitation. He had known since the night after the baths.
“Have you told her?”
“Hades.” Hecate crossed her arms over her chest.“You must tell her.”
Hades tensed immediately.
“Why?” He didn’t see the need. Why expose himself to her rejection by admitting his feelings? He’d prefer to keep them to himself for now.
She needs to know, Hades. She may be struggling with her feelings. Your admission could help her…sort them!”
“She either loves me or she doesn’t, Hecate,” Hades said.
The goddess’expression turned dark.“There’s nothing black and white about loving you, Hades, and if you think there is, especially for Persephone, you’re an idiot.”
“She has been told to hate you her whole life, her existence in the Upperworld is threatened everyday she comes to your bed. She knows this, and yet she still does. She’s telling you she loves you with her actions. Why do you need words to admit the same to her?”
“You allow her the option to tell me she loves me with actions. Can I not do the same?”
“No! Because she won’t understand, just likeyoudon’t understand. I know human nature. And before you spout off about being immortal, I will tell you that love—falling in love, being in love, heartbreak—it’s the same no matter your blood.”
There was a short pause, and Hades looked away, frustrated. He tried to imagine how he would tell Persephone that he loved her, but when he thought of saying the words, he could hear the silence that would follow, the awful pause as she searched for something to say to ease his embarrassment.
He was certain she would reject him. While Hecate had attempted to quiz him on his knowledge of Persephone, he knew her better than the goddess realized, because he knew her soul. He was well-aware of her thoughts when it came to how he handled mortals and their lives, how he bargained to annihilate their greatest sins. Even his work on the Halcyon Project would not erase the fact that he had roped her into one of those bargains, and it was for that reason that even if Persephone loved him, she would not say.
Still, why did it matter to hear those words? Had he not told her that actions meant more?
Because everything is different with her, he thought.Her words matter.
“Now,” Hecate said.“If you’re done sulking, let’s plan this date.”
Hades arrived outside Persephone’s apartment, his stomach tangled. He felt ridiculous. He had fucked this woman, made love to her on the floor of his office, and yet he was nervous at the thought of taking her to dinner.
He blamed Hecate. If it wasn’t for their earlier conversation, he wouldn’t feel so uncertain or so torn over expressing his feelings. His unease worsened when he noted Persephone’s expression as she left her apartment—her brows pinched, gaze distant. She was distracted.
“Is everything okay?” he asked as she approached.
“Yes,” she said with a small smile.“It was just a busy day.”
He wasn’t satisfied with her answer, but he did not want to ruin their evening by challenging her at the start of their date, so he matched her smile and said,“Then let’s get you off your feet.”
He opened the rear door and took her hand as she slid into the cabin of the limo. Hades followed close as Antoni made his introductions.
“My lady,” he nodded, grinning at Persephone.
“It is good to see you, Antoni,” she replied with a sincerity that made Hades’ heart ache. It was no wonder his people loved her. She was so genuine in her expression.