Page 124 of A Game of Fate
“Fair enough. I’ll have Antoni drop you off.” He looked down at his suit.“I need to change.”
Hades returned Persephone to the Lexus and teleported to the Underworld, appearing in his chambers. He took a moment to down a glass of whiskey. He hated himself for what he was about to do.
He summoned the god with a single command, and he appeared, wearing a mesh crop top and tiny leather shorts.
What the fuck had he interrupted?
“Yes, King of Death and Dark…” Hermes’ voice faded away as his eyes swept the room. When he met Hades’ gaze again, he seemed dazed.“Am I dreaming?”
“I need your…help,” Hades said.
“I am dreaming.” Hermes slapped his face.
“Hermes,” Hades gritted out.
“No, no,” he said, putting up his hands as if to silence him. He took a breath.“Don’t ruin this for me. I might be dreaming, but I’m about to live out one of my top five fantasies—”
Hades slapped the god, who looked shocked.
“This isn’t a dream, Hermes.”
They stared at one another, and in the silence, Hades raised a brow.“Top five, huh?”
Hermes lifted his chin and cleared his throat.“What did you need?
“First, I think we can agree that neither one of us will disclose what goes on here tonight?”
The god’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open.“Oh my gods, I really am dreaming.”
“Hermes!” Hades snapped.“I need…fashionadvice!”
“Oh.” He blinked and then broke into a grin.“Why didn’t you say so?”
Hades glared at the god. He should have downed a bottle before summoning the god. After a moment, he explained.“Persephone is teaching me to bake. What do I wear?”
“She’s teaching you to bake?” Surprised colored Hermes’ voice.“And you’re participating? Willingly?”
Hades glared.
“You must really love her.”
“Hermes,” Hades warned. If he had to say the god’s name one more time, he’d send him to Tartarus for the night.
He seemed to get the hint and straightened.“Right. Casual, baking date.”
He dashed to Hades’ closet.
“Why do you only wear suits?” Hermes complained.“What do you sleep in?”
“Nothing,” Hades answered.“What’s the point?”
Clothing was hot, and it meant more layers to get to what he wanted, even when Persephone was not sleeping beside him.
Hermes sighed.“You are impossible. Hold on.”