Page 127 of A Game of Fate
She cleared her throat when she said the wordballs.
Andall he could think was how she’d teased his in the back of the limo with his cock in her mouth, and everything tightened.
They worked together, each of them scooping batter into a spoon and transferring it onto the baking sheet. When Hades was finished, he compared the two, and Persephone’s skills were beyond his own. She’d made perfect rounds out of her batter. Hades’ were misshapen and messy, like he’d slung the mixture all over the pan. He was envious of her control.
“Put this on,” Persephone said, handing him a floral mitt.
“What is it?”
“It’s an oven mitt,” she said.“So you don’t get burned when you put the cookies in the oven.”
He considered telling her that he was, essentially, fireproof, but kept quiet, sliding the mitt onto his hand, only to hear Persephone giggle. His gaze snapped to hers.
“Are you…laughing at me?”
She cleared her throat quickly.“No. Of course not.”
His eyes narrowed, an unspoken promise of payment for this humiliation. Once the cookies were in the oven, Hades pulled off the mitt. He had intentions of scooping her into his arms and feasting on her mouth, but she had other plans.
“Now, we make icing.” She smiled, eyes alight.
He’d have liked to lick icing from every part of her body, but she handed him some type of cooking utensil with a narrow handle and wire loops.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” he asked.
“It’s a whisk. You’ll beat the ingredients together,” she said, and poured various ingredients into a bowl, pushing it toward him when she was finished.
Now that was something he excelled at.
“That’s good,” Persephone said, practically snatching the bowl from Hades after he’d been whipping the mixture for a few minutes. Perhaps he’s gotten carried away. There were pieces of the mixture all over the counter, his shirt, and her.
She divided the icing into a few waiting bowls and handed him a small tube of green.“Start with a few drops and mix.”
They made colorful icing. Persephone worked on the bright colors—yellow and pink and lavender—while Hades made darker colors—red and green and even black, a color Persephone had helped him make. Toward the end, he caught her licking icing from her fingers.
“How does it taste?” he asked, reaching for her hand. He drew one of her fingers deep into his mouth and groaned. She was sweet and salty, and the way she looked at him while he tasted her made the fire in his stomach deepen.“Delicious.”
She drew her fingers away, and there was a beat of silence.“Now what?”
Their eyes met, and the air in the room was almost unbearable.
Hades planted his hands on her waist and lifted her onto the counter. Persephone laughed and drew her legs around him, pulling him in so his cock was settled against her core. He kissed her mouth, parting her lips. She tasted like the icing she’d sucked from her fingers. He buried one hand in her hair, the other reaching between them to grip her breasts, when someone cleared their throat.
Persephone pulled away from his kiss while Hades’ hands fell to the countertop, his head resting against her shoulder. He needed time to collect himself. If they had been in the Underworld and interrupted by one of his staff, he wouldn’t have stopped.
“Lexa.” Persephone cleared her throat.“What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you guys wanted to watch a movie?”
“Say no,” Hades whispered, teasing her ear.