Page 121 of A Game of Gods
“Right. Of course. What is this game called again?”
“Egyptian Ratscrew.”
Did she just sayratscrew? Was that even a real word?
She hesitated and then frowned. “I–I don’t know. It just is.”
“Well, this should be fun,” he said drily. “Let’s get to the important part—stakes. What do you wish for if you obtain this…whole deck of cards first?”
This was his favorite part of any game. It was what made playing worth it.
She was quiet as she considered, tapping her lips with her finger, which held his attention, making the bottom of his stomach twist and turn with need.
“I would like a weekend,” she said at last. “Alone. With you.”
“You are wagering for something I would gladly give—and have, many times.”
“Not a weekend sequestered to your bedchamber,” she said, and Hades felt as defensive as she sounded.“A weekend…on an island or in the mountains or in a cabin. A…vacation.”
He liked that.
“You aren’t giving me a very good reason to win,” he joked.
“And you? What do you wish for?”
“A fantasy,” he said. “Fulfilled.”
He did not hesitate because he had been thinking about this for a while.
“A…fantasy?” Persephone asked, confused at first, so he clarified.
“A sexual one.”
“Of course,” she said breathlessly. “Can I ask what this sexual fantasy entails?”
“No,” he said, though that was only because he hadn’t quite decided on which one he would ask her to explore…if she was willing. “Do you accept?”
“I accept.”
Her quick reply made his heart beat faster, and he was suddenly struggling with his blood rushing to his cock. He liked her eagerness but liked more that she trusted him enough to say yes.
Persephone divided the deck and dealt each half.
Her first card was a two of spades, and he placed a queen of clubs.
“That means I have three chances to get another face card.”
He just agreed because he had no clue what was happening, but he figured the longer they played and she explained, the clearer the rules would become…that was if he was able to focus beyond his throbbing length.
She made it harder because she sat opposite him,flushed and aroused. He could tell by the way she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs.
Her next card was a king.
“Now you have four chances to get a face card.”
He was pretty sure she was making this all up as she went along.A face card, he thought, attempting to recall what those were—a jack, queen, or king. The first was a five of diamonds, the next a three of clubs, the third a jack of hearts, which meant it was now her turn.