Page 138 of A Game of Gods
Whatever the God of the Dead saw in his eyes, he must have believed.
“Fucking Fates,” he said as he called up his magic.
They teleported to the Gulf of Poseidon, where Dionysus had come earlier to wait for the God of theSea. The weather was stormy—the clouds overhead were low and thick, the wind was strong, and the waves were large, crashing against the dock. He shielded his eyes as the rain beat down on him, feeling solid and painful.
Poseidon’s yacht was some distance from shore, rising and falling with the waves.
“Do you have a plan?” Hades shouted over the storm.
“No,” Dionysus said. As if he’d had time to think any of this through.
Hades’s mouth hardened, and he sighed, teleporting again.
This time, they appeared on the yacht, only to find Poseidon already standing, holding Ariadne as a shield. Her wrists were tied in front of her. One of his hands was around her neck, the other pressed into her stomach. She looked furious and afraid, and Dionysus feared what the god had done to her up until this point.
“This is low, even for you, Poseidon,” Hades said.
“Would you forsake me divine justice, Brother?”
Poseidon’s face was pressed against Ariadne’s as he spoke, though she tried to pull away.
“Divine justice?” Dionysus demanded. “For what offense?”
“The mortal accused me of abducting a woman.”
“It was a question,” she spat. “And it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility, given your track record.”
Poseidon squeezed her neck harder, tilting her head back farther.
“The mouth on this thing,” he said. “Have you not taught her to hold her tongue?”
“Not everyone abuses women like you, Poseidon,” said Hades.
“And now I am being accused of another crime,” Poseidon said.
“It’s not an accusation if it’s true.” The words slipped through Ariadne’s teeth.
Poseidon gripped her mouth and turned her head toward him. Dionysus started forward, but Hades stopped him. They glared at one another, but Hades’s gaze was also a warning. If they moved too soon against Poseidon in his own realm, Ariadne would be caught in the cross fire.
“I will teach you to be silent,” Poseidon hissed.
“If you wish to dole out justice, then I will too, if you harm her,” said Dionysus.
Poseidon released her face, his eyes returning to Dionysus. He chuckled. “So eager to be valiant,” he said. “And all for pussy you haven’t even tasted.”
The yacht rocked violently. Dionysus struggled to stay on his feet, though Poseidon seemed unaffected by the sudden jolt.
“Don’t worry. I’ll tell you if she’s sweet.”
Ariadne’s gaze was locked with Dionysus’s. He shook, desperate to go to her.
“Don’t look so glum,” Poseidon told her. “I’ll let Dionysus join if it will make you more comfortable.”
His hand smoothed down her stomach to her hip.
“Do not touch her,” Dionysus barked.
“What’s the matter? Threesomes not really your thing anymore?” Poseidon asked with a chuckle. “You really have changed, and for the worse, if you ask me.”