Page 157 of A Game of Gods
“Hades.” Zeus’s voice rumbled like thunder.
It did not seem like his mood had improved since their visit, and considering this meeting had been called to discuss Hades’s relationship with Persephone, that was not a good sign.
“From what I understand, Hades,” said Ares, who lounged on his own throne, “the storm is your fault. Couldn’t keep your dick out of Demeter’s daughter.”
“Shut up, Ares,” Hermes snapped.
“Why should he?” Artemis asked. “He speaks the truth.”
“You could have fucked a million other women, but you chose to stay with one,” said Ares, a slant of amusement in his voice. “And the daughter of a goddess who hates you more than she loves humanity.”
“That pussy must be gold,” Poseidon said.
Spikes shot out of the tips of Hades’s fingers, and he dug them into the arms of his throne. He spoke, his voice low and threatening. “I will personally cut the thread of any god who dares to speak another word about Persephone.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Hera said, as if she thought his threat were empty. “The consequences of killing a god outside of the Fates’ will are dire. You could lose your dear goddess.”
Hades tapped the ends of his clawed fingers against his iron throne, leveling his gaze at the Goddess of Marriage.He did not speak, but his challenge was clear—Try it and I will end this world.
The silence that followed was tense and only eased when Athena spoke. “The fact remains that the snowstorm is causing great harm.”
“Then we must discuss solutions to ending Demeter’s rage,” said Hades.
“Nothing will convince her to end her assault except the separation of you from her daughter,” said Hera.
“Thatis out of the question.”
“Does the girl even wish to be with you? Is it not true you trapped her in a contract to force her to spend time with you?”
He wanted to incinerate the goddess with his gaze. His sister-in-law had grown bold. Perhaps she needed to be reminded that he knew of her alliance with Theseus, but before he could speak, Hermes interrupted.
“She is a woman and she loves Hades. I have seen it.”
“So we should sacrifice the lives of thousands for the true love of two gods?” Artemis’s voice dripped with disdain. “Ridiculous.”
The goddess shared a lot with her twin, Apollo, including the tragic loss of a great love. For Artemis, it was the princess Iphigenia, who had been sacrificed in her name during the Trojan War.
“I did not come here so that Council could discuss my love life,” Hades said.
“No, but unfortunately for you, your love life is wreaking havoc upon the world.”
“So is your dick,” Hades countered, though that was likely a sore subject given that he had no balls. “And no one’s ever called Council about that.”
“Speaking of dicks and the problems they cause,” Hermes jumped in. “Is no one going to speak about the trouble your offspring are causing? Tyche is dead. Someone is attacking us…succeeding in killing us…and you want to bicker about Hades’s love life?”
“We’ll have nothing to worry about if Demeter’s storm continues,” Artemis snapped. “Mortals will be frozen to the ground. It will be Pompeii all over again.”
“You think Demeter’s wrath is the worst that could happen?” Hades asked, his voice shaking the very air in the room. “You do not know mine.”
He recognized that declaring war on his fellow Olympians was not the smartest move given that they needed to be united against Triad, but if they insisted on tearing him away from Persephone, he would handle the consequences as they came.
Then he felt Persephone’s magic like a hint of sun streaming from the spring sky.
Fuck, he thought as she stepped into view from the shadows surrounding their thrones. She had dropped her glamour and stood in her true form, radiating beauty like wildflowers in a field. She said his name and held his gaze, offering a small apologetic smile.
It was likely she could feel his magic. It surrounded hers, waiting in the wings to whisk her away if anything went wrong.
“Well, well, well,” Zeus said, leaning forward on his throne. Hades bit down on the inside of his cheek, a hot wave of anger curling in his stomach. “Demeter’s daughter.”