Page 178 of A Game of Gods
“Are you angry with me?” he asked, leaning closer.
“No,” she said, looking at him. “I know what you were trying to do.”
His chest felt tight. “I would like to tell you that I will protect you from everyone and everything…and I would. I would keep you safe forever within the walls of my realm, but I know what you wish is to protect yourself.”
“Thank you.”
This time, he smiled. He wanted to kiss her, but she did not lean into him. Instead, her gaze shifted to her desk.
“I assume you have already read this,” she said.
“Ilias sent it this morning,” Hades said. “Theseus is playing with fire, and he knows it.”
“Do you think Zeus will act?”
“I do not know,” he said, frowning. There was a part of him that hoped he wouldn’t, given that Theseus had killed the ophiotaurus. “I do not think my brother sees Triad as a threat. He does, however, see your mother’s association as dangerous, which is why he shifted his focus to her.”
“What will become of her if Zeus can find her?”
“If she ceases her attack upon the Upperworld? Probably nothing.”
“You mean she will get away with the murder of Tyche?”
Given that Zeus seemed to believe in survival of the fittest, he likely believed Tyche just wasn’t powerful enough.
“She must be punished, Hades.”
“She will be. Eventually.”
“Not only in Tartarus, Hades,” she insisted, leaning forward her in chair.
“In time, Persephone,” he said, covering her hands with his own. “No one—not the gods, certainly not me—will keep you from retribution.”
That was a promise he could keep.
They stared at one another for a moment, and then he rose to his feet.
“Come,” he said, bringing her with him.
She hesitated. “Where are we going?”
“I just wanted to kiss you,” he said, claiming her lips with his. He felt relief pour over him now that she was in his arms again.
He called on his magic and teleported them to the site where Halcyon was being built. She had only seen models and sketches of the future rehabilitation center, but he had never brought her here in person.
There had been a lot of progress on the project, even with the snow, and as she pulled away from him, he heard her breath catch.
“I cannot wait for you to see it in the spring,” Hades said. “You will love the gardens.”
They were only plans now, but they would be extensive.
“I love it all. I love it now.” Then she looked at him. “I love you.”
He smiled at her and kissed her again, then led her inside. It was far easier to visualize what it would look like when it was finished because most of the walls were up, though there was still so much work to do.
He took her into each section of the facility.