Page 216 of A Game of Gods
“I am not sure why you are laughing,” she said. “I have asked for your respect before. I will not ask again.”
“Are you threatening your king?” Hera asked.
“He is not my king,” Persephone said, her tone vicious.
The lines on Zeus’s face seemed to darken. “I should never have allowed you to leave that temple. That prophecy was not about your children. It was about you.”
“Leave it, Zeus,” Hades said. He held Persephone tighter. “This will not end well for you.”
“Your goddess is a threat to all Olympians,” Zeus said.
“She is a threat toyou,” Hades said.
“Step away, Hades,” Zeus ordered. “I will not hesitate to end you too.”
Hades had expected this moment. He had prepared for it, but not so soon, and now his mind raced, wondering if they were ready.
If Persephone was ready.
“If you make war against them, you make war against me,” said Apollo, summoning his golden bow.
“And me,” Hermes said, drawing his blade.
The silence was quiet and heavy. “You would commit treason?” Zeus asked.
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Apollo said.
“You would protect a goddess whose power might destroy you?” Hera asked.
“With my life,” Hermes said. “Sephy is my friend.”
“And mine,” said Apollo.
“And mine,” said Aphrodite, who broke from the line and crossed to stand beside Apollo, calling Hephaestus’s name. The God of Fire also appeared, filling the space beside her.
“I will not battle,” Hestia said.
“Nor I,” Athena said.
“Cowards,” Ares shot back.
“Battle should serve a purpose beyond bloodshed,” said Athena.
“The oracle has spoken and pinned this goddess as a threat,” Ares argued. “War eliminates threats.”
“So does peace,” said Hestia.
Hades was not surprised by their decision, and the two left. They faced Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Artemis, and Ares.
When they began, Hades would focus on subduinghis brothers. He just hoped he could keep them both engaged in battle and away from Persephone.
“You are sure this is what you want, Apollo?” Artemis asked from across the field.
“Seph gave me a chance when she shouldn’t have. I owe her.”
“Is her chance worth your life?”
“In my case?” Apollo asked. “Yes.”