Page 37 of A Game of Gods
“Did you speak with Dionysus?” Hades asked.
“No,” said Hermes.
Hades glared.
“You saidsoon, not right this minute,” Hermes defended.
Hades continued to stare.
“Fine. I’ll go tonight.”
His gaze was unwavering.
“If you think I’m leaving this party without playing drinking games, you’re fucking insane. Oh wait, you are.” Hermes crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. “Why don’tyougo talk to him?”
“Because I have to talk to Apollo,” said Hades. “Unless you want the task?”
“Hmm, no. Apollo still hasn’t forgiven me for stealing his cattle.”
“Again?” Hades asked.
“No, just that one time. You know,when I was a baby.”
“I thought you settled that,” said Hades.
If he recalled correctly, it was how Apollo had obtained his first lyre, which he now used as one of his symbols of power.
“We did,” said Hermes. “But you know how grudges work.”
There was another knock at the door, and this time, Helen entered.
Hades was not as familiar with the young mortal, except for what Persephone had communicated, whichwas mostly to say that she was beautiful and a hard worker.
“This weather,” she said as she entered. “It’s almost…unnatural.”
“Yes, it’s awful,” said Persephone.
Hades’s chest tightened, noting the worry etched across Persephone’s face.
It wasn’t going to get any better either. The tap of ice on the window was only increasing.
Leuce and Zofie were the last to arrive. Apparently, the two had decided it was a good idea to live together, though from what Hades had heard from Ilias, it was rather disastrous. Leuce had only just returned to her physical form after being a tree for centuries, and Zofie…Zofie was born and bred to be a warrior. Her instinct was to kill when something did not go her way, which meant she spent a lot of time destroying things for no reason.
Like the vending machines at Alexandria Tower.
They both had a lot to learn about society.
Of the two, Hades expected Leuce to act uncomfortable in his presence. After all, he had been the one to turn her into a tree, but it was Zofie who froze when she spotted him.
“My lord!” she exclaimed and swept into a stiff bow.
“You don’t have to do that here, Zofie,” Persephone said, though Hades was not opposed. He found it strange that the Amazon insisted on bowing to him but not Persephone, who was technically her mistress, but he knew his goddess would be uncomfortable with that considering they were among…friends.
“But…he is the Lord of the Underworld!” Zofie said.
Hermes scoffed. “We’re all aware. Look at him—he’s the only goth in the room.” Hades scowled at the god who offered a sheepish grin and left Hades’s side, declaring, “Since everyone’s here, let’s play a game!”
“What’s the game?” Helen asked. “Poker?”