Page 88 of A Game of Gods
“Hi,” he replied, still frustrated and unable to really hide it.
Her gaze trailed down his body and then back up, eyes bright and lively. “Are you well?”
“Harmonia is awake,” he said.
“How is she?” she asked, breathless.
“We’re about to find out,” he said, getting to his feet. He rounded her desk and stopped only a few inches from her. The proximity did not help the tension he felt between them; if anything, it only made it burn hotter. “Did you enjoy your time with Apollo?”
“On a numeric scale? I’d give it about a six.”
His lips twitched and she frowned when she realized her humor wasn’t working.
“I’m sorry you are not pleased.”
“I am not displeased with you,” he said. “I’d just rather Apollo not cart you off to Delphi during your mother’s tantrum and while Adonis and Harmonia’s attackers are still out there.”
“Did you…follow me?”
He held her gaze for a moment and then reached for her left hand, lifting it between them so her engagement ring was on display. This ring…to him it represented so much more than just a promise of their impending marriage. It symbolized what they had gone through to get to this moment.
It was a testament to his hope and a reminder of all the times he’d lost it.
“These stones—tourmaline and dioptase—give off a unique energy, your energy. As long as you wear this, I can find you anywhere. It wasn’t…intentional,” Hades said. The stones he put in her ring didn’t matter; he could still track them because of his power over precious metals. “I didn’t set out to…put a tracker on you.”
“I believe you,” she said, her voice quiet. She looked up at him through her lashes, that strange shyness returning. “It’s…comforting.”
It was a comfort to him, especially with everything happening outside this space.
“Come,” he said, adding something he never thought would leave his mouth, “Aphrodite is waiting.”
They returned to the island of Lemnos, appearing outside a large, modern mansion. The fact that Hades had not been able to get them inside said a lot about how Aphrodite felt today. They were past the point of an emergency and on the path to vengeance, but he would be damned if she attempted it through Persephone.
“Can’t we just teleport inside like last time?” Persephone shivered beside him.
“We could,” he said. “If we had been invited.”
“What do you mean? Didn’t Aphrodite let you know Harmonia was awake?”
He didn’t want to answer because he didn’t feel like he could lie.
“Hades.” Persephone’s voice was laced with disapproval.
“She sent Hermes for you. He found me instead.” He met her gaze as he added, “You won’t do this without me.”
Her lips flattened and she looked away, but not before he realized what he’d said had hurt her. Fuck.
“Persephone—” he started, her name a desperate plea, but the door opened, and Lucy answered the door. She was one of Hephaestus’s creations, a nearly human animatronic who took care of their household.
“Welcome,” she said. “My lord and lady are not expecting guests. State your names please.”
Hades entered the house.
“Excuse me!” Lucy shouted. “You are entering the private residence of Lord and Lady Hephaestus!”
He had made it halfway down the entrance hall when he heard Persephone speak.
“I am Lady Persephone.” Then, with as much disdain as she could muster, she said, “That is Lord Hades.”