Page 10 of Hanging Horseshoes
“Do you mind watching Mable for a minute? I need to run out and get all our stuff from Trip’s truck.” I say, but he doesn't look up at me. He’s feeding Mable a piece of bacon and ignoring the rest of the universe. Yeah, she will be in good hands here.
I rush to catch up to Trip, hoping I remembered the way out of here. Being locked up for so many years has made me horrible with directions, and that's saying I was good with them beforehand. Spoiler alert, I wasn't. Beau used to joke I could get lost in a brown paper bag, and he wouldn't be wrong. I took one wrong turn and headed down a hall with only doors to the left and right. After that, I can find my way back to the common room, as they called it, and to the door. Trip is just getting to the gate when I walk out. He’s off the phone now and doesn't seem to be in as big of a rush as when he got the call, which proves my point. He’s running.
“Hey, um, Trip?” I try to say it loud, but my voice comes out scared and weak. Dang it, I wish I could be like Halle. I’ve only known her for less than an hour, and already she's made an impact. She lives for herself and her family, no one else. She isn't scared of anything. If I were staying here, I might just beg her to teach me everything she knows. Well, maybe not everything… she can be scary.
“Hey, Ophelia, everything okay?” Trip asks as he turns and sees me running after him. I catch up to him and try to meet his eyes, putting on a fake smile, hoping he doesn't notice.
“Oh, um yeah. I just, well. I wanted to thank you for everything. For the help, and…” I trail off, not knowing how to ask this without him getting suspicious.
“And?” He asks, leaning closer to me. “You can ask me anything you need, Sweet Pea.” I take a breath before releasing it.
“Uh, do you live close by? It's just…” I stop for a minute, trying to think of something. I hate using his niceness against him, but right now, I have no choice if I want to keep my daughter safe. “I would really like to know you're close if I don't feel comfortable here.” I rush to say.
His face softens, and he pulls me into a hug. I tense, flinch, and suck in a harsh breath when he grabs me, but I slowly sink into the warmth and comfort his touch provides. Few people have this effect on me, actually only two, Mable and Beau… and I guess now Trip.
“Yeah, Sweet Pea. I live right behind this place. I’ve got a few acres back there. Keep going to the back of the property. There's a pond that looks more like a lake. My ranch is on the other side. There's a trail on the other side. Keep riding it; it’ll take you straight to the big ranch-style house with a wrap-around porch. You are more than welcome anytime.” He tells me.
I nod, though I feel really guilty, seeing as my plan is way more devious than I’m letting on, but I’ll think of a way to pay him back some way… someday. He gives my arm a squeeze and then heads to his truck. I didn't actually leave anything in his truck. I grabbed what little we had when I got out earlier.
“Thanks, Trip, for everything. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't found me walking along the side of the road. I couldn't have made it another five steps on my own.” I want him to know what his kindness did for me and my daughter. I want him to know I'm not just a selfish woman, even if I plan to use this man, well, just his truck, tonight. I really want him to know his kindness saved me and my daughter.
“Anytime, Sweet Pea. Anytime.” He gives me a bright smile. I try to keep eye contact as I smile back, give a little wave and turn to head back. I notice Rodeo standing at the door, watching with Mable in his arms. I knew our little girl looked like him from the day she was born, but having them side by side nearly stops my heart.
They share nearly everything, from bright blue eyes to blond hair. Where Mable has blond bouncy curls, Beau has blonde waves. The slight smile they both wear also matches, and I can’t stop cataloging all the similarities. When I get back, Beau smiles softly at me. It's the same soft smile I’ve always seen him use for me, and, Lord, how I have missed it. I wish I could bottle it up and keep it forever.
“How are you feeling, Fee Fee? Are you tired from the trip, or do you want to explore a little bit?” He asks, smiling and giving me that dimple in his right cheek.
I’m so tired and dead on my feet from the trip. The only rest I was able to get was guarded, worried someone might take my baby girl right from my arms, but I know I need to let him show me around. This is my chance to put my plan in motion, to get my lay of the land. So I pull back the yawn wanting to slip through and suck it up. Placing a bright smile on my face.
“I would love to see your home.” He smiles brightly at my words and holds his hand out to me. I take it easily, like I always have. Beau was always my safe space, my comfort. Even after he left and I was stuck in that basement, I found comfort in his memories. In the stories I regaled Mable with every day. Getting lost in the memories of growing up with him and wishing, above all else, we could have grown old together. I stared at that picture of Beau more than Mable did most days, getting lost in the memories of his arms.
Beau pulls me through the compound, showing me room after room, the playroom being Mable’s favorite. It has its own treehouse in the corner. It's absolutely amazing. The back wall is painted black with the texture of a chalkboard and it stretches the whole wall. I see chalk drawings all over it. It's amazing.
“Hey Becky, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt; just showing my girls around,” Beau says, and it's then I notice a tall woman with beautiful brown hair sitting in a beanbag chair with two smaller children. They look around Mable’s age. The beanbag chair looks like heaven. It's absolutely huge, and with all three of them sitting in the middle, it could easily fit two more people.
“No worries. We were just having story time.” Becky smiles at us.
“Princess day!” The beautiful little girl says, jumping a bit in excitement.
“Dinosaurs! Grr.” The little boy growls out, and I nearly giggle at the serious look on his tiny face.
“Yes, Jett, princesses today. Bronx, we will read dinosaurs tomorrow.” Becky says before looking back at us. “This little beauty can stay for story time if you would like.”
I look up at Beau, and he looks at me before looking at Mable and pulling her closer. “Maybe another time, Beck. I just got my girls back. I’m gonna keep them close for a while.”
And the knot of guilt in my stomach tightens just a bit more. I give another small wave as we move on. He shows us his room, where I notice our bags are being kept and a playpen has been set up. I look at the one bed pointedly before raising a brow at Beau. He shoots me a smirk and a wink.
“I won't be staying here with you if you don't want me to, Honeybee. I just need you both in my space. The room beside mine is a guest room. I can crash there.” He reassures me. If I wasn't planning on sneaking out, I would love to be wrapped in his arms again. Unfortunately, I need to get as far away from here as possible. I need to keep them both safe. I can’t let either of them get dragged back to that hell on earth.
I give him a grateful smile, and we move on. We are coming to the end of the tour after getting done with the outside tour as well and then to the kitchen for a late lunch, when I bring up my next idea.
“Do you think we can take a tour of the lake? Someone mentioned it was beautiful.” I try to mention it casually.
“Yeah, that sounds like fun! Would you like that, baby girl? Want to see the water?” He asks Mable. She lifts her head from his shoulder and smiles around her thumb. I gently take her thumb from her mouth.
“Remember, baby, big girls don't suck their thumbs.” I notice Beau pout in the same manner as Mable, but she simply grabs his cheek and runs her hands up his jaw to his ear. She grabs his ear and doesn't let go.
“Is she looking for an earring? Cause that’s more of a grease thing.” He chuckles.