Page 28 of Hanging Horseshoes
Andrew screeches. Honest to god screeches.
“Is that a baby coyote? Please, please, please tell me you are those types of southerners.” He says easing his way behind the girls and using Sunnys body to block him, Izzy, and Rocket.
“Are you seriously hiding behind me? And what do you mean those type of southerners?” She asks offended.
“You know, the ones that find the baby animals in the woods, takes it home cause they thought it was a puppy but it turns out to be a wild beast with rabies and really bad anger issues.” Drew says starting to bend at the knees like he’s ducking behind Sunny.
“It’s not a coyote.” Izzy says petting the babies head.
“Oh thank heavens.” Drew exhales loudly.
“Its a Racoon.” She chirps
Then Drew promptly passes out…
“Who knew there was a real life phobia again forest creatures. I mean I get like one specific animal but all creatures that live in the forest? Would he be scared of a little baby bunny rabbit?” Piper asks in disbelief as we are sitting around Jades moms shop. After Trip and Beau got Drew inside and finally under control us ladies decided to make our way here.
It has been absolutely amazing since we walked through the door. Mama, as she instructed me to call her, gushed and fretted over me and Mable after hearing our story. I’ve never had someone take such sweet care of me. She looked into my eyes and it was like she saw all the pain and grief. She saw it, then wrapped me in her arms and let me fine peace and love. That’s what her arms felt like, the calm in the storm and I soaked up every minute of it.
When she pulled back from out hug and immediately snacked Mable from my arms and gushed over her near white curls I secretly wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled at the welcome from the other technicians.
We’ve been sitting around talking while Paisley, Rei and Jett all got their hair done and Mama wanted Mable to have a cute hairstyle too so she took her to her chair about thirty minutes ago while I sat back and watched her talk and talk and talk to my baby girl. Mable still doesn’t say a word, but she smiles softly at Mama. I swear her eyes are so soulful for just three years old.
“Alrighty little lady. You are all done. Want to take a look at it?” Mama asks Mable as I walk up closer to her station. Mable nods softly and Mama turns the chair so she’s facing the mirror.
Her hair is styles in to pigtails but the front of her hair is french-braided back into the two pigtails. She’s also curled the ponytails and she looks so beautiful and happy I could cry.
Mable stairs at herself in the mirror for a few seconds before she mutters, “Pwetty.” and once again bringing tears to my eyes.
These people aren't just showing me their love and acceptance into this big huge family, they are showing it to the most important person in my life. They are giving my baby a life she more than deserves and that alone tells me everything I need to know.
The people accept us and I will fight and kill whoever I have to just to make sure my daughter always has her family.
Chapter Twenty-One
Its been a couple months now since Andrew showed up and honestly life couldn't get much better. Drew helped out for a few weeks on the ranch but I knew his heart was never in it. I made him go put in a resume with one of the real estate companies in town. He worked hard and was amazing at his job. The way people were just drawn to him made it easy and he really was passionate about giving families their forever homes. Plus, he’s nosy as hell and especially when it comes to houses. He loves looking at every single house that comes up on the market, see, nosy ass. I just couldn't stand to keep him from that. Especially with it being a whole new town in a new state, he could barley contain his excitement.
With Rodeo spending half his time helping out and the other half at the bar trying to keep things running smoothly I know I need to find other alternatives for help. He casting his ass and it’s not fair to him. I can see how tired he is when he comes back to the house at night. We have all pretty much moved into the master bedroom and even started renovations but today is not the day to worry about all that.
No today is the day me and Beau get to surprise our woman and spoil her just a little bit. She deserves the world and me and Beau are doing our best to give her a piece of it. Over the last month we have been teaching Fee Fee to drive. We wanted her confident and able to have a little more freedom for her and Mable. We’ve stayed up countless nights all three just talking, getting to know each other. I tell them stories about my family and my hometown, growing up there and feeling so out of place.
Rodeos talked about the community and their growing up as well as his years away from Ophelia. Ophelia talked more in depth about what her and Mable went through and experienced those years they were locked away. That’s one of the reasons me and Beau actually decided to get her a car. We didn't want her to feel like she was locked down or being forced to stay somewhere ever again, even if she tried to leave us and we chased her down and brought her back. I mean we can’t let her leave permanently. Just long enough to miss us, miss home, come back to us.
“Piper says she’s pulling down the driveway. You ready for this?” Beau asks coming to stand at my side and clapping me on the shoulder. I turn to look at him and smirk at the boy like grin he’s sporting. I think he’s more excited about this surprise than Ophelia is.
“More than ready. Where’s our girls?” I ask turning and watching as Ophelia and Mable step out of the front food and watch the car approaching from the long dirt driveway.
“Who’s that?” Ophelia asks placing her hand over her eyes and squints trying to see better.
“That would be your surprise Sweet Pea.” I say grabbing her hand and helping her down the stairs.
Rodeo bends down and picks up Mable carrying her down with us.
“I-Is that…” she’s places her hand over her mouth slowly.
“That’s all you baby. Yellow, Volkswagen beetle.” I tell her leaving the best for Beau. He doesn't disappoint.