Page 30 of Hanging Horseshoes
“Hey Chief Lance. Yeah\, good to hear from you too. Look I’ve got one of your men here…” He cuts off and holds his hand over the speaker on the phone. “What did you say you name was?”
“Bobby Write.” The woman smiles wide at us all like she thinks this is going to work out in her favor.
“A Bobby Write.” Swift says through the phone. He pauses then, “Hmm I see. Maybe he’s from a different station around here?” Pauses again. “No, no mention of him. Thanks Chief.” Swift says before hanging up and raising a brow at Bobby.
‘something you might not know about this trash. We are the Reckless Omen Motorcycle Club. We run this town. We helped the Chief get elected this year, Looks like you ain't a cop there bud… so what exactly are you?” He asked calmly. Bobby's face is bright red and the woman he’s with looks at him in confusion.
“Wait, wait, wait. I know you. I recognize you from the Hillgate mall. You're a security guard.” Sunny says snapping as the recognition hits.
“A security guard? You’re a fucking security guards? You lying piece of shit.” The woman screeches and to all our shock dives across the table for the other man's throat.
“Fuck yeah! Dinner and a show! This is the best restaurant in town.” Grease comments before pulling a roll and stuffing it in his mouth.
“Aww.. why do they get to have all the fun? I wanted to kick some ass too.” Halle pouts.
“Where the hell is the server? I asked for a refill twenty minutes ago.” Hitter grumps.
“Might want to call the Chief back, Swift. Break those two apart.” Comp says putting a roll on Paisleys plate.
“Give it a few more minutes Swift. Please Prez. I just want to enjoy this a bit longer.” Rodeo says smiling wide at the couple now rolling around the ground.
A plate goes flying by my head and that’s when I hear every kid at the table besides Mable yell out,
“Four!” then continue to eat and watch the scene unfold.
One thing I’ve learned about this group… its never boring.
Chapter Twenty-Two
“Alright, alright, alright, yall all calm down. Lets all be thankful we got out of that restaurant before we got involved. Now, we’ve got some more pressing matters to attend to. Comp, lets start with where are you at with the community Rodeo and Ophelia grew up in.
Shit, I didn't think we would start full force with this but I guess no other way than to just get it over with but after the full and happy day we just fucking had I really wish this could have been tabled for a while.
“Basically this ‘community’ is a fucking colt. Into some really bad shit. The leader is the worst of them he’s into even deeper shit. Shit they keep hidden from the people of the community.” Comp says and that had me sitting up higher in my seat.
“What the fuck? I was raised on that property. Me and Ophelia both ran up and down that place. We knew it like the back of our hands. What exactly could they be hiding that we couldn’t see?” I ask thinking he must have it wrong. We were barley able to talk to anyone outside the community. We knew everyone that came on and off that place. No way we missed something horrible. Well I mean besides the abuse we all suffered.
“Come to find out they ran a brothel on the property. Forced the women to submit to the customers against their will. They were chained to beds and shit. The pictures are the worst I’ve ever seen. They had a basement for the ‘cleansing’ of the women as they called it. Torture is more like it. I sent all the information, books, and people involved I could find to Ghost, Swifts contact. He has an in with the FBI and CIA. They took care of it all and cleaned out the place. Took all the people involved.” Comp tells us. He turns to look at me with a sad look on his scarred face.
‘sorry to say but your father and Ophelia's father both were involved. Actually almost all the males above legal age were involved. They also found decomposed bodies and bones on the property. They were both male and female bodies so my guess is those were the women and men who didn't agree with the way of the church. Good thing you left and never turned back. You probably would have ended up in the ground too. No way in hell you would be able to stomach the unbelievable shit they made those women endure.” He finished with a shake of the head.
Hold fuck, my mind is reeling. How could I have grown up on that property, be raised by those sick fucking bastards and never know the truth about what was going on, what was happening right under my nose.
“You said they ran it on the property? Do you happen to know where? Like was it the leaders house? We were never allowed in there. Only his wives and we never saw anyone coming or….. Oh shit.” It hits me before I can even finish the sentence.
“The church.” I say it as a statement, not a question because I already know the answer.
“The church.” Comp nods.
“We children were only allowed in the main hall. There was one room off to the side for the studies we had every week but there was only one rule. Only adults in the back of the church. They said it was for the holy devoted. The ones who served the lord fully without doubt and you could only make that decision as an adult.” I tell them of the rules set to us as well as the beating I once got for trying to take a peak in the back of the church when I was eight. It was a forbidden place… come on! Anyone would have fucking peaked. I remember seeing a row of beds with crisp white sheets and to my young mind that just meant nap time. Now I see it for what it truly was and a full body shiver races down my body.
“It’s over man. I know it doesn't help all the women prior to now but it is over. We all made sure of it.” He tells me softer than he usually would have. I give him a grateful smile before turning back to the table.
‘so the situation is handled? Fee Fee and Mable don’t have to keep looking over their shoulders? We can finally move on for sure?” I ask wanting to know with absolute certainty that my family is safe.
“Yes, only the women and kids were spared because they were the only ones proven not involved. Hell most of them were victims as well.” He says. I don’t even want to ask if that included my mother. I might not have agreed with her on most things but she was still my mother and I like to believe brainwashed. No way a mother could be so unloving otherwise right?