Page 37 of Hanging Horseshoes
“I was an ungodly child as they called it so I got beaten and whipped constantly. Good old Leroy here followed his parents beck and call. He also liked to rat out the ones that didn’t. For that, Loki, you can take his tongue.” Beau says.
As soon as he backs away and Leroy opens his mouth I move forward and swing with all my might. Right at his fucking face, connecting with the temple and knocking the fucker out cold.
“What the fuck is up with you guys? You do realize you can't get answers from him if we have to wire his jaw back right?” Grease complains. I simply walk over to the bucket of cold water in the corner. Grab it, throw it at the fuck face as and watch him sputter awake. Swift looks back at me and raises a brow. “I’m good now,” shrugging my shoulders. Didn't ease my anger all that much but at least it was something.
“Talk.” Grim says, leaning down and patting him on the cheek to help him focus more.
“Fine, ok, I’ll talk. When the raid went down everyone was taken from me. I watched as my brother, my father, the whole church was taken from me. All but the no good fucking women. The only reason they spared me was because I technically didn't become a legal adult until two days after the raid. The church let me pass as an adult when I turned seventeen though since I was such a devoted follower and I got to enjoy all the spoils. The one spoil though I never got to taste was Ophelia. Me and my brother have wanted a taste of her since we were kids. Knowing she was evil we wanted our cocks to heal her and bring her back to service.” He tries to smirk but his bruised and swollen lips wouldn't allow it. Beaus fist flies into his gut and the satisfaction is temporary.
“Finish.” He growls out.
“I was the only one left who didn't conform. The only one who didn't follow the outsiders word, well me and little Ophelia's mom, Raina. Even my own mother wanted to “open her horizons and see what god truly has in store for her.” He scoffs. “Traitorous bitch. I killed her first. Raina came to me and said she knew where to find Ophelia. She wanted to bring her back to the church and punish her for being led astray. I know the bitch has ulterior motives but I didn’t fucking care what those were as long as I got to kill the bitch responsible for taking everything from me. Apparently you sent a letter to Ophelia and this god forsaken town was listed as the return address. Raina knew if Ophelia was ever allowed, she would run right back to your arms. We just had to bide our time.”
I feel sick at the information being given to us. These sick fucks have been planning this and it was her own flesh and blood mother.
“I would have loved to try her out once you know? But by now they have found my mother with her throat slit and I know the cops are hot on my heels. So instead, I decided to end it and let you both suffer for your sins. She was the one taking two dicks, that could have been me and my brother, but you two ruined it. So I decided to end her life. I didn't realize she had a child. Raina left out that little detail but still, collateral damage.” He shrugs like killing a child is really ok and his soul is still saved. Guess again fucker.
“How did you know when to set off the bomb? It was a remote, not automatic bomb.” Comp ask arms crossed.
“Raina was there. She told me when Ophelia was walking out of the store. I gave it another two minutes, then hit the button. Smiling at the flames as they went up.” He says reverently.
“Her mom was there?” Beau asks in disbelief.
“Hand me my bag, I need my tablet.” Comp says in a hurry. He doesn't tell us what he’s looking for, just starts tapping away.
“I am so going to enjoy watching the life drain from your eyes.” Beau seethes, grabbing Leroy's fingers one by one and bending them until the audible snap is heard around the room.
“Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen. Alright boys, lock him up.” A female voice rings out from the doorway.
“Who the fuck are you?” Hitter asks standing in front of the men trying to filer in the room as well as the tiny slip of a woman that seems to be in charge.
“I’m Ghosts contact. We will be relieving you of custody on Leroy Quinn. We were never here, he was never here and this.” She says waving her hand around the room, “never happened.”
“Ah shit.” Swift says raising his eyes to the roof as if asking for help, then he announces. “Alright brothers. Let's give the lady the room.”
“WHAT THE FUCK?” Me and Beaus yell at the same time. Swifts sharp look has both of us clamping our mouths shut.
“You got your answers, you got your licks in, we are done here. Believe me boys, these are not people you want to cross or fuck with. Give them the fucking room.” He says in a deadly soft tone.
Knowing we only have one choice, we give the fuckers the room.
“I can’t fucking believe we have to give that fucker up Prez.” Beau fumes clinching and unclenching his bruised and bloody hands.
“Calm the fuck down rodeo. Where he’s going is far worse than here. Now, they are taking him and that’s the fucking end of it.” Swift snaps and I can see Beau close his eyes and take a deep calming breath.
“Guys, I actually found something. Look here.” Comp says bringing us the tablet and showing us the surveillance video of the car exploitation. When the car blows up I feel sick to my stomach and have to look away.
“Comp what the fuck. Why would you make me watch that shit again?” Beau says in a tortured voice.
“Grow a set and pay the fuck attention.” Comp says pulling us back to the tablet, “Pay close attention to your women.”
‘she turned away.” I say in disbelief.
“They didn’t get in the car?” Beau asks hopefully.
“They’re still alive?” I ask at the same time.