Page 4 of Hanging Horseshoes
“Hello there. New in town? You are definitely new. This is one of those ‘everybody knows everybody’ towns, so I would definitely know if you were from around here. What can I help you with today, Darlin’?” He rambles on. I’m left speechless after all that. I’ve never heard someone talk so fast and answer their own questions like that.
“Uh yeah. I’m looking for a friend who lives in town. His name is Beau. I have his address right here, but I have no clue how to get there.” I say, showing the envelope to the man.
“Oh yeah, that's the Reckless Omen Compound. Not sure of their real names, but you might find your friend there. We only know them by their club names. They’re nice enough guys, never had much problem from them and they give back to the town but just… be careful. It’s about eight and a half miles from here. Outside of town. Want a ride?” He asks, giving me a concerned look. Before I can ask what he means, he continues.
“I’ll keep that in mind. No, thanks, though. I can walk it.” I tell him. He seems like a nice guy, but I just got out of a trapped situation. I refuse to take a chance to get back in that spot again.
“Like I said, great guys, just… secretive. I’ll be surprised if they let you in the gate.”
Oh my gosh, I didn’t even think about what might happen if I’m turned away. No, this can't happen. Please, please, please don't let my luck run out here…
“Thank you so much for your help,” I tell him after getting rough directions from him. I start the long walk to my destination. Luckily, the day isn't hot or too cold. Still, carrying a toddler, even with her malnutrition, isn't easy. I don't know how far I make it. Far enough that no one passes by for at least thirty minutes; each way I look, it is just farmlands or dirt roads. I feel lightheaded and thirsty, but I have nothing with us. Shoot, I thought I could do this. I thought I could make it, but I quickly realize my energy is draining, and the adrenaline has washed away. We are far away from my family, from my prison, and my body doesn't have much more to give. I see black spots dance across my eyes, and then I drop to my knees. I don’t see or hear the truck pull up beside me until the window rolls down, and the driver speaks.
“Excuse me, sugar. I don't mean to scare you, but you look worse for wear. Is there anything I can do to help you with?” His voice is soft, but I can't focus on his face.
“Mable,” I say, squeezing my daughter closer to me.
‘shit.” I hear whispers before a door slams and I feel one hand on my waist and one on my back. I jerk in surprise.
‘sweet Pea, I swear I’m not going to hurt you, but you're about to pass out, and I don't want you or that precious little girl hurt.” He says, steadying me.
“Water.” I breathe out. Maybe if I can get a little water in my system, I can make it the rest of the way.
“I have a Powerade in my truck. Hold still; let me get it for you.” He hurries back, and I chug the drink as he holds it to my lips.
“I’m so sorry to be bugging you,” I tell him, trying to catch my breath.
“No bother whatsoever. I live around here, so I was just headed home. No worries.” He says, and I turn to look when the spots stop dancing in my eyes. Holy mother of all that is holy. Talk about a good-looking guy. He’s tall with chestnut color hair, darkly tanned skin, and the most amazing emerald green eyes I’ve ever seen. He smiles when he catches my open stare.
“I’m Trip. Nice to meet you.” He chuckles.
“Ophelia,” I whisper, ducking my head in embarrassment.
“Well, Ophelia, is it okay if I give you and this baby girl a ride to wherever you are going?” He asks, smiling at my baby girl.
“Umm.” I start. On the one hand, I know the dangers of getting into a car with a stranger. On the other, if I keep walking on absolutely no strength, I’m putting Mable in danger. I war with myself before turning to Trip.
“Please don't hurt us.” it's the only words I can get past my lips. His answer tells me everything I need to know.
Chapter Four
Well, this is definitely not how I saw my day going. Driving down this familiar country road toward the gates of the Reckless Omens Mc… again. I look over at my passenger seat. The woman sitting there can't be older than twenty-one. While she’s only four years younger than me, I can tell she's just as jaded by the haunted look in her eyes. Her whispered plea of do not hurt us rings in my ears while making my stomach turn at the same time. Who hurt her and why? Please, lord, tell me no one laid a finger on that sweet baby girl. I have so many questions, but I don't want to intrude. Mainly I just need to know they are alright.
I’ve never had this type of protective feeling fall over me before. Actually, I’ve had none of these types of emotions before… well, not for a female. What the hell is up with that? My whole life I’ve known who I was. Who I was attracted to, specifically what sex, but this girl has me suddenly questioning everything. Shaking my head, I have to get back to the issue. This is just a case of exhaustion and stress from the move. It's only been a week, and trying to get the old ranch put back together has been a task all its own. I found out my back property backs up to the Reckless Omens property. There's a pond or big ass lake, whichever way you want to look at it, that shares some of my land. I’ve only ridden Trinket around the property once, but it's two hundred acres of pure serenity. I noticed houses on the other side of the lake, but it's a good distance away, so I couldn't make out too much detail.
“Thank you again for giving me a ride,” Ophelia whispers, looking at me from the side. When she notices my eyes on her, she ducks her head. I don't like that she won't meet my eyes, but I suspect she's as frightened as a day-old foal, and I must treat her delicately.
“It's my pleasure, Sweet Pea. So you're headed to the Reckless Omen compound, huh?” I have a million questions, but I don't want to pry. Mainly, I want to ensure she's taken care of and maybe sneak a peek at a certain country fella. Fuck, that is not what I need to focus on.
“U-uh yeah, I’m meeting up with an old…” She pauses before looking out the window and murmuring “Friend.”
“Well, I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you. The gates are only a few more miles down this road here.” I say, pointing.
“Have you been to this place before?” She asks, turning to look at me, but keeping her gaze settled on my knee. I really wish I could see her pretty eyes again.